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Goku pov

She punched me square in the face sending me flying back! Before I had any time to move she sent a barrage of ki blasts at me. Some of them missing but most hitting me,and they were powerful too! 'Dang it! I should have givin her a little warning before I liked her! She seems really mad! I wonder what her power level is!' I think to myself as I IT(instant transmit) away.'lets see...no way!'h-her power level it-it's un-readable! I-I can't even sense it!' I IT behind her and grab her arms"YN calm down please!" I beg. It took a while but eventually she calmed down.I let go of her arms and she turned around and stared at me. She noticed how damaged I was and gave me a sympathetic look."oh my gosh! I'm so sorry goku! I-I didn't mean to-" I cut her off"it's all right YN. Nothing a little senzu bean won't fix." I say flashing her a smile"come on we should get going. It's starting to get dark." He says looking at the sunset. "Come on I'm sure that everyone will be proud of how far you've come in just a few hours!"I say flying to CC. YN following me while making small balls of ki in her hand the entire time.knock knock knock! I knocked on the door and Bulma opened up."dang goku! You trained hard to day didn't you!" Bulma exclaims."yeah maybe a little." I say while smiling and scratching the back of my head."hey YN you should go to
Bed its pretty late." Bulma states"alright." She says walking up the stairs and into her room.

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