Chapter 2

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Rey found herself grieving for her Master. He had grown up without his parents, as she had. The girl knew what it was like to feel alone. Rey began to think that if she could, she would want to change the future so that Anakin Skywalker never turned to the dark side. It would save the Galaxy from a lot of sadness, and her Master and General Organa were such great people. They deserved loving parents. Rey closed her eyes, and felt the force surround her.

"Please." The girl thought, not expecting anything, and when she opened her eyes, she found herself tumbling towards a black hole and could not regain control of the ship.

"You've got to be kidding me!" Rey exclaimed, before the ship lurched forwards suddenly, and she quickly lost consciousness.


On Coruscant, Anakin Skywalker had just returned from his latest mission with his former Master, Obi-wan Kenobi. The Chancellor had been rescued, and better yet, Padmé had just revealed that she was pregnant. Having never felt happier in his life, Anakin gathered his wife into his arms, and together they returned to Padmé's apartment. There, they got much needed sleep, and thoroughly enjoyed each other's loving embrace.

That was, until they both jumped up in surprise at the loud crash coming from outside of their apartment. The bedroom the two had been sleeping in shook from the impact.

"What was that, Ani?" Padmé exclaimed, jumping to her feet with her husband following. They both rushed outside to their terrace, where a smoking ship sat, buzzing with electricity.

"It was a ship crashing, it appears." Anakin replied, before grabbing a fire extinguisher and spraying the ship.

"Is there anybody inside?!" Padmé asked, with worry. The woman was clearly more concerned for the pilot than the damage done to her terrace.

"There's a girl inside, I believe. I'll go in and get her." Anakin reassured his wife, who eyed him with fear.

"Be careful, Ani!" She spoke, and he smiled at the woman lovingly.

"Always, my love." The Jedi replied, before entering the ship and running towards where he saw the girl. She was unconsciously slumped back in her seat, with blood running down her forehead. Anakin curiously probed her mind slightly, only to find that she was very force sensitive, and had strong mental shields up despite being unconscious. Anakin could not explain why, but he felt as if he knew the girl from somewhere. All of his senses seemed to be screaming in recognition, although the man was sure he had never met her before. He softly pressed her head to his chest and gathered the girl in his arms.

"I've got her, love!" Anakin exclaimed, and even from inside the ship, he could hear his wife sigh in relief. The Jedi then quickly exited the ship with the mysterious girl in his arms to meet the worried Senator.

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