Chapter 15

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Liam won't stop apologizing. I got irritated and told him I was going out, and I went to the Philippe park.

I'm just stressed.

I guess last night weighed it all in on me.

I'm sitting at the beach part of the park, my knees against my chest, watching the small waves hit the shore.

It's just everything.

Izzy, work, money, school...

Mostly work. I don't want to go back there.

And then Izzy, gosh, I'm so worried about her.

And money brings me to school and work.

How am I supposed to pay for textbooks when they're as expensive as they are?

How and I supposed to pay another years worth of college fees?

I have yet to take out student loans, but my savings for college got used yesterday for the car so I didn't have to make payments.

I live alone too, so I don't have a roommate helping me with rent.

Plus, fucking Hailey hates me, so I don't have any friends anymore.

I'm a complete loner.

Somebody sits down next to me.

I look up.

It's some random girl. She's really pretty. She looks to be my age with blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Hi." She says. "You look upset."


"Uh, yeah."

Just, it hurts to keep everything pent up all the time, but like, I don't want to go to a therapist, and Liam will just try to help me pay for things.

"Well, if you wanna talk about it, I'm kinda walking around alone."

She looks like she genuinely wants to help me.

And it's so weird.

I just start ranting.

And I start in high school with Liam.

I rant on and on. She listens seriously, nodding at the right moments.

I'm just getting to the part last night. I bitch about that.

"And he just keeps apologizing, like everything is his fault! And it's not! None of this is Liam's fault! I want to talk to somebody about it, but now Hailey hates me and Liam will just try to help me. Mum and Dad are just worried about Izzy. I feel alone."

"Well, you know, I work in a skyscraper. Another one in there, only, this one is a financial thing. It's called Raymond James. You could literally get paid fifteen an hour to answer phones. It's the usual, nine to five, but I'm still in college too. I could get you in, and they're so sweet with helping with making sure you have time. As for the money thing, I would totally get a student loan and pay it off. Do what makes you happy. The job solves the work, school, and the money. As for your sister, Liam is right. She'll figure it out. And with Liam, be honest with him. He seems like a great guy who really does want the best for you. He might be disappointed if you quit, but he probably will understand. And, if you need a roommate, I kinda do too. And also, don't get upset over things that won't matter in two years. Your cousin never would've done that sober. Nobody remembers what he looked like naked."

She's right.

It's not worth getting upset over.

I nod slowly.

"You're right."

I got here at one and the sun is almost gone. It took me hours to tell her my life.

"What's your name?" she asks.

"Abigail. What about you?"

"Willow." She smiles. "Do you want me to hook you up with that job?"

I hesitate and nod.

"Yeah. If you could, that would be incredible."


I give her my number and she texts me.

My phone is at home. I left it on purpose.

We say our goodbyes and go our seerate ways.

I get in my car and drive home.

I see Mum's car outside, and Liam's.

He looks worried. My grandparents car is here too.

I park in my spot and get out.

My front door is wide open.

The sound of my door shutting sends Liam peeking his head out of the apartment.

He looks at me with a slight frown on his face.

"You're back."

He looks sad.

"Liam, have to talk to you." I say, walking right into my apartment.

Sovereign and Brody and Mum and Dad and Izzy and my grandparents are here.

"Abby, wait." Liam says.

"No." I say. "Come on baby, let's talk." I tug him onto my patio and sit down.

He sits down across from me. I grab his hands.

"I met somebody on my adventure. I felt like she was a good person. Like I could talk to her. So, I spilt out all my frustrations. She offered me another job. Liam, I'm going to take it. It's not you, it's not Amelia. I think work need to stay work and home needs to stay home. I love spending time with you. Really, I do, but I'm going to do this."


"Are you upset?"

"Yes, but I'm not mad. I'm going to miss you."

I smile.

"I'll miss you too." I say.

"Also, I need you to understand that I'm not upset about everything that went down last night, and I need you to stop apologizing, because it's not your fault. Whatever happened happened and that's it."

"Okay." He says.

I tell him my plan for student loans, how I'm going to probably get a roommate.

"In this apartment?" he looks around.

"Well, we'd have to move." I say. "Probably in this complex. It's the money, sweetheart."

"Abby, I already offered to be your roommate." He pouts.

"I know. When we're married. It won't feel like we're married if we live together now."

He nods.

"Alright. I understand."

"Okay. So, are we good?"

"We're good." He says, nodding.

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