Chapter 29

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A whole month passed and Liam spoke to me a few times a week.

My phone got shut off last weekend though.

My electricity is gone, which means I've got nothing.

Not stove, no fridge, no TV.


My car got repoed.

I got told by my landlord that I have to be out this morning, and I packed up what I could and hid the boxes in a bush.

Everyone agreed with Liam, that I've gotta learn to ask for help, especially to ask him for help.

And I need help.

I walked to some rest stop down the street and used their shower, and now I'm sitting on a curb at a super ghetto gas station, holding tightly to a quarter I found on the ground. watching some ants carry crumbs.

I take the last quarter I've got and move to the phone booth at the gas station.

I pop the quarter in the machine and dial Liam's number.

It rings four times.

"Hello?" he sounds confused.

I hesitate.

"I need help."

There's a long bout of silence.

"Where are you?" he asks.

"That really ghetto gas station...the one you told me not to go to alone."

"Okay. I'll come get you. Are you hungry?"

I bite my lip, looking down.


"Okay. I'm on my way. I-"

The money runs out and the line cuts off.

I take a deep breath and sit down on the curb.

I found one of his black sweaters, and I'm wearing it, and some jeans. I wrap my arms around my legs, the sleeves covering my hands, and I wait.

Nearly ten minutes later, the familiar blue Hyundai pulls into the parking lot, stopping in the spot next to me.

I grab my purse and stand up.

He gets out and pulls me into a tight hug. I cling to him for life, fisting his t-shirt in my hands.

He doesn't say anything, he just holds onto me tightly.

After a second, he pulls away and opens my door.

We make eye contact, and it takes all of my willpower not to cry.

I get in the car and he checks to make sure I'm in all the way, and he shuts the door, and gets in the car.

He turns it on and puts it in neutral, and we just sit there for a few minutes.

He finally puts the car in reverse and backs out of the parking lot.

I see him watching me from the corner of his eye.

I pull my seatbelt on, because I forgot.

"Can you go to that park across from the high school?" I ask softly.


He doesn't question, he just drives.

I tell him where to park.

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