Chapter 1

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In a far away land called Equestria, long ago, lived Prince Artemis and his fair Princess Luna. Many years had they longed for a foal, and finally their wish was granted. A filly was born, and they called her Rarity. Yes, they named her after a diamond's rareness, for their daughter was rare and precious to them. Then a great holiday was proclaimed throughout Equestria so that all of high or low estate might pay homage to the infant filly princess. And our story begins on that most joyful day. Kings, Queens, and all citizens of all of Equestria had come to Canterlot to celebrate the most joyful day. Thus on this great and joyous day did all the citizens of Equestria celebrate the long awaited royal birth. And good Prince Artemis and his Princess Luna made welcome their life long friend.

The trumpets were played in the background, and the announcer said "Their royal highnesses, King Shining Armor, and Prince Elusive." A unicorn with a moderate sapphire blue mane with moderate cerulean and dark phthalo streaks in it, moderate cerluean eyes, and a dark blue shield with a brillant rose star on it, and three light blue stars above it for his cutie mark named Shining Armor approached the royal couple, and Prince Artemis went up to him and gave him a hug. Next to Shining Armor was a little colt with a moderate indigo mane, moderate azure eyes, and no cutie mark yet named Prince Elusive who held a present for Princess Rarity with his magic. Fondly had these monarchs dreamed one day their kingdoms unite. Thus today would they announce that Elusive, Shining Armor's son and heir to Prince Artemis's foal would be betrothed. And so to her his gift he brought and looked, unknowing, on his future bride. Princess Luna and Prince Elusive stared at the infant filly in her crib, and the colt prince just looked in confusion.

The trumpets were played in the background again, and a light had shown through the window and three mares appeared. The first mare was a unicorn with a moderate sapphire blue mane with a moderate violet, and a brilliant rose streak on it, moderate violet eyes, and a brilliant rose star with five white stars, three of them on one side and two of them on the other side for her cutie mark, wearing a red dress named Twilight Sparkle. The second mare was a pegasai pony with a light grayish rose mane, moderate cyan eyes, and three pink butterflies for her cutie mark, wearing a green dress, and an element of kindness necklace named Fluttershy. The third and final mare was a unicorn with a vivid crimson mane with brilliant yellow streaks on it, moderate cyan eyes, and a sun that is colored red, yellow, and orange for her cutie mark, wearing a blue dress named Sunset Shimmer.

"The most honored and exalted excellencies, the three good mares." The announcer said as Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, and Sunset Shimmer landed on their hooves. "Mistress Twilight Sparkle, Mistress Fluttershy, and Mistress Sunset Shimmer." The three mares then went up to the crib, and looked at Princess Rarity. "Oh the little darling." Sunset Shimmer said with a smile as Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy said "Awwww." They then went up to Prince Artemis and Princess Luna, and bowed to them. "Your majesties." They said at the same time. As Twilight Sparkle looked up at the royal parents, she said "Each of us the foal may bless with a single gift. No more, no less." She then approached the infant filly princess and looked down on her.

"Little filly princess." Twilight Sparkle said. "My gift shall be the gift of beauty." She then focused her will power on her horn and magic came out of the horn and into Princess Rarity. In the future, she would be the most beautiful mare in Equestria, with her beautiful moderate indigo mane, her moderate azure eyes, and everything. She would walk with springtime wherever she goes. After Twilight Sparkle was done, Fluttershy was next. So she went up to the crib, looked down on Princess Rarity and said "Tiny filly princess, my gift shall be the gift of song." She started vocalizing and the pink butterfly-shaped gem on her element of kindness necklace began to flare with power. The power then went into the infant filly princess. In the future, she would have very lovely singing voice that would attract animals to her.

After Fluttershy was done, Sunset Shimmer was next. She went up to the crib, and looked down on Princess Rarity. "Sweet filly princess." Sunset Shimmer said. "My gift shall be-." But before she could bestow her gift onto the infant filly princess, a blow of wind nearly blew her over, and the door of the castle swung open, much to the awe of Prince Artemis, Princess Luna, King Shining Armor, Prince Elusive, The three good mares, and the citizens of Equestria. Thunder rumbled and lightning started crashing. Then green flames appeared and from those flames, a changeling with a dark cerulean mane, moderate harlequin eyes with dark grayish opal pupils, and holes in her hooves and horn named Queen Chrysalis appeared. Near her was a phoenix with vivid amaranth and luminous vivid gamboge feathers and light brilliant yellow eyes named Philomena.

"Why, it's Queen Chrysalis!" Fluttershy said in shock. "What does she want here?" Sunset Shimmer asked. Twilight Sparkle then shushed her. Queen Chrysalis smirked and said "Well, quite a glittering assemblage, Prince Artemis. Royalty, nobility, the gentry, and-." The changeling then looked at the three mares, chuckled and said "How quaint. Even the rebel." Those words made Sunset Shimmer mad. She tried to charge at the changeling, but Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy held her back. "I really felt quite distressed of not receiving an invitation." Queen Chrysalis said. "You weren't wanted!" Sunset Shimmer pointed out. "Not wha...?" Queen Chrysalis started to ask but she then chuckled and said "Oh dear, what an awkward situation. I had hoped it was merely due to some oversight." She started to leave as she said "Well, in that event I'd best be on my way."

"And your not offended, your excellency?" Princess Luna asked. "Why no, your majesty." Queen Chrysalis said as she turned around. "And to show I bear no ill will, I too, shall bestow a gift on the foal." The three good mares panicked, and protected the crib. "Listen well, all of you." Queen Chrysalis said as she looked at the ponies. "The princess shall indeed grow in grace and beauty. Beloved by all who know her." Then her horn started to glow and it's magic went into Princess Rarity as the changeling said "But, before the sun sets on her sixteenth birthday, she shall prick her hoof on the spindle of a spinning wheel, and die!" "Oh no!" Princess Luna said as she took infant filly princess from her crib and held onto her. Queen Chrysalis cackled as Prince Artemis said "Seize that changeling queen!" Before the pony guards could catch her, she said "Stand back you foals!" She and Philomena disappeared in the green flames, while evil laughter was heard.

"Don't despair, your majesties." Twilight Sparkle said to the royal parents. "Sunset Shimmer still has her gift to give." "Then she can undo this fearful curse?" Prince Artemis asked. "Oh no, sire!" Sunset Shimmer said. "Queen Chrysalis's powers are far too great." Twilight Sparkle said. "But she can help." Fluttershy said. "But..." Sunset Shimmer started to say, But Fluttershy said "Just do your best, dear." "Yes, go on." Twilight Sparkle said. Taking a deep breath, Sunset Shimmer focused her will power on her horn, and magic came out of the horn and into Princess Rarity and said "Sweet filly princess, if through this wicked changeling's trick a spindle should your hoof prick, a ray of hope there still may be in this, the gift I give to thee. Not in death, but just in sleep the fateful prophecy you'll keep, and from this slumber you shall wake when true love's kiss, the spell shall break. For true love conquers all." The magic then finished settling down in Princess Rarity.

But Prince Artemis, still fearful of his daughter's life, did then and there decree that every spinning wheel in Equestria should on that very day be burnt. So, twas done. After every spinning wheel in Equestria was found, everypony gathered them and placed them in one big pile. Then using torches, they burned all the spinning wheels and enjoyed the bon fire.

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