Chapter 2

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Twilight Sparkle was watching the bon fire from the balcony. She went inside the empty throne room as she muttered "Oh, silly fiddle faddle!" As Fluttershy prepared the tea, she said "Now, come have a nice cup of tea, dear. I'm sure it'll work out somehow." "Well, a bon fire won't stop Queen Chrysalis." Sunset Shimmer said as she conjured cookies with her magic. "Of course not. But what will?" Twilight Sparkle took her cup of tea, and sipped it. "Well, perhaps if we reason with her." Fluttershy said. Twilight Sparkle turned to Fluttershy in shock and said "Reason?" "With Queen Chrysalis?" Sunset Shimmer asked. "Well, she can't be all bad." Fluttershy said. "Oh, yes she can." Twilight Sparkle said. Sunset Shimmer growled in anger and said "I'd like to turn her into a fat old hoptoad!" Fluttershy turned to Sunset Shimmer, who conjured another cookie for her to eat, and said "Now dear, that isn't a very nice thing to say."

"Besides, we can't" Twilight Sparkle said. "You know our magic doesn't work that way." Fluttershy sipped her tea and said "It can only do good dear, to bring joy and happiness." "Well, that would make me happy." Sunset Shimmer said as she sipped her tea. "But there must be some way." Twilight Sparkle said. Then an idea hit her. "There is!" She said. Sunset Shimmer stood up, walked over to Twilight Sparkle, and said "There is?" "What is it, Twilight?" Fluttershy asked as she stood up, and walked over to Twilight Sparkle. "I'm going to-." Twilight Sparkle started to say but she silenced herself, and silenced Fluttershy and Sunset Shimmer. "Even walls have ears." Twilight Sparkle whispered as she sneaked around the corners. "Follow me!" She said she walked over to a table, minimizes herself, and teleported herself to the table with her magic. Fluttershy vocalized, and her element of kindness flared with power, and minimized her. She flew over to the table as Twilight Sparkle was preparing the music box to close.

Sunset Shimmer who was looking around, then looked at Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy, minimized and teleported to the table, and went inside the music box. After Twilight Sparkle locked the music box, the three good mares gathered in the center. "I'll turn her into a flower!" Twilight Sparkle said. "Queen Chrysalis?" Sunset Shimmer asked. Twilight Sparkle chuckled and said "Oh no, dear! The princess!" "Oh, she'd make a lovely flower." Fluttershy said as she imagined Princess Rarity as a lovely rose. "Don't you see, a flower can't prick it's hoof!" Twilight Sparkle said. "It hasn't any." Sunset Shimmer said. "That's right!" Fluttershy said. "She'll be perfectly safe!" Twilight Sparkle said. Sunset Shimmer then frowned and said "Until Queen Chrysalis sends a frost. "Yes, a-!" Twilight Sparkle started to say until she realized that Sunset Shimmer was right. "Oh dear." Twilight Sparkle muttered.

"She always ruins your nicest flowers." Fluttershy said. "You're right." Twilight Sparkle said. "And she'll be expecting us to do something like that." Sunset Shimmer growled, and said "But what won't she expect? She knows everything!" "Oh, but she doesn't dear." Fluttershy said. "Queen Chrysalis doesn't know anything about love or kindness or the joy of helping others. You know, sometimes I don't think she's really very happy." Twilight Sparkle then got excited as she thought of an idea. "That's it! Of course! It's the only thing she can't understand, and won't expect!" She then paced back and forth as she said "Oh, oh, now, now...we have to plan it carefully. Let's see, woodcutter's cottage, yes yes, the abandoned one, of course Prince Artemis and Princess Luna will object, but when we explain it's the only way..." "Explain what?" Sunset Shimmer said interrupting Twilight Sparkle, who stopped pacing.

"About the three earth ponies raising a foundling foal deep in the Everfree Forest." Twilight Sparkle said. "Oh, that's very nice of them." Fluttershy said. "Who are they?" Sunset Shimmer asked. "Turn around!" Twilight Sparkle said. As Fluttershy and Sunset Shimmer turned around, Twilight Sparkle used her magic to turn their dresses into peseant dresses. Twilight Sparkle's new dress was red, Fluttershy's new dress was green, and Sunset's new dress was pink." Fluttershy and Sunset Shimmer looked at their reflections in the mirror and gasped. "Uh...why it'!" Fluttershy said as Twilight Sparkle nodded. "You mean, we us?" Sunset Shimmer asked. "Uh-huh!" Twilight Sparkle answered. "Take care of the foal?" Fluttershy asked. "Why not?" Twilight Sparkle said. "Oh, I'd like that!" Fluttershy said as Sunset Shimmer used her magic to turn her new dress from pink to blue.

"Well, yes, yes, but we'll have to feed it." Sunset Shimmer said. "And wash it, and dress it, and rock it to sleep." Fluttershy said while smiling. "Oh, I'd love it!" "You really think we can?" Sunset Shimmer asked. "If other ponies can do it, so can we." Twilight Sparkle answered. "And we have our magic to help us!" Sunset Shimmer said. "That's right!" Fluttershy said. Twilight Sparkle then panicked and said "Oh, no, no, no, no! No magic!" She took Fluttershy's element of kindness necklace away, and said "I'll take your necklace right now. Oh, better get rid of your wings too." As Twilight Sparkle removed Fluttershy's wings with her magic, Sunset Shimmer's face paled as she said "You mean, live like earth ponies? For sixteen years?" "Uh-huh." Twilight Sparkle said. "Now, we don't know how." Sunset Shimmer said. "We've never done anything without magic!"

"And that's why Queen Chrysalis will never suspect!" Twilight Sparkle said. "But who'll wash and cook?" Sunset Shimmer asked. "Oh, we'll all pitch in." Twilight Sparkle said. "I'll take care of the foal!" Fluttershy said. "Please remove your horn, Sunset Shimmer." Twilight Sparkle said. Sunset Shimmer sighed, and said "Fine." As Sunset Shimmer magically removed her horn, Twilight Sparkle opened the door, and said "Come along now, we must tell their majesties at once!" She changed herself back to normal size, and headed toward the door, but she was then stopped when she heard Fluttershy and Sunset Shimmer call her. She then turned them back to normal size, and magically removed her horn as they went to find Prince Artemis and Princess Luna, and talk to them about their plan.

Later that night, the three good mares walked to the door to the castle with Princess Rarity on Fluttershy's back. They looked around for a minute, and when the coast was clear, they left Canterlot, and took off into the Everfree Forest. And so, Prince Artemis and Princess Luna watched with heavy hearts as their most precious possession, their only foal, disappeared into the night.

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