Chapter 12

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After the fighting was finally over, Dopey Hoof approached Prince Elusive, and said "Are you ok?" "Yes, I'm fine." Prince Elusive said. The thorny bushes then disappeared, making it easier for Prince Elusive, Dopey Hoof, Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, and Sunset Shimmer to head for the castle in Canterlot. They went past the sleeping ponies, and they reached the castle as they looked at the tallest tower. They went inside the tower, and climbed up the steps. They reached the bedroom where Princess Rarity slept, and the three good mares turned into their pony forms. Prince Elusive gently approached the bed, and looked down on the sleeping princess. He then leaned forward, and gently kissed her lips. Princess Rartiy's eyes then fluttered opened, and looked up at him. She smiled because she remembered seeing him in the Everfree Forest. As she embraced her true love, Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, and Sunset Shimmer shared a happy hug, the sun rose into the sky, and everypony in Equestria began to wake up. In the throne room, Prince Artemis and Princess Luna woke up from their sleep. Prince Artemis shook King Shining Armor awake, and said "Oh, ah, forgive me, Shining Armor, the apple cider. Now, you were saying?" "Huh? I was?" King Shining Armor asked. "Oh yes, well, after all, Artemis, this is the fourteenth century." "Yes, you said that a moment ago." Prince Artemis said. "Well, to come right to the point." King Shining Armor said. "My son, Elusive, says he's going to marry-."

Suddenly, he was interrupted by a loud trumpeting noise that was playing a fanfare as Prince Artemis and Princess Luna looked on ahead. Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, and Sunset Shimmer arrived on a balcony as the fanfare ended. Then Prince Elusive and Princess Rarity appeared as they walked down the stairs together. "It's Rarity!" Prince Artemis said smiling. "She's here!" King Shining Armor rubbed his eyes in disbelief, and said "And Elusive!" Prince Elusive and Princess Rarity approached the throne, and they knelt down before Prince Artemis and Princess Luna. Princess Rarity then ran up to her mother, and fondly embraced her. Princess Luna hugged her daughter back as Prince Artemis patted the young princess on the back. Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, and Sunset Shimmer looked on with smiles on their faces. King Shining Armor went up to his son, and said "What does this mean, Elusive? I don't-" He stopped talking when Princess Rarity went up to him, and kissed his cheek. Prince Elusive then took her hoof as King Shining Armor said "But-But!" As Prince Elusive and Princess Rarity began dancing to the music playing in the background, King Shining Armor looked at Prince Artemis and Princess Luna, and said "I don't understand." Prince Artemis and Princess Luna just swayed to they music. King Shining Armor looked up on the three good mares who were listening to the music. Deciding not to ask questions, King Shining Armor swayed to the music as he watched Prince Elusive and Princess Rarity dancing.

On the balcony, Fluttershy began sniffling as she shedded a few tears. Twilight Sparkle looked at her, and said "Why, Fluttershy, what's the matter, dear?" "Oh, I just love happy endings." Fluttershy said through her happy tears. "Yes, I do too." Twilight Sparkle said. Then she gasped when she noticed Princess Rarity's red dress, and said "Oh, red?" She then used her magic to turn the princess's dress blue as she said "Blue!" Sunset Shimmer then noticed that Princess Rarity's dress turned from red to blue. She used her magic to change it back to red as she said "Red!" Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer fought over the color of Princess Rarity's dress. In the end, they both decided to change the color of the dress to pink, so Twilight Sparkle changed the dress from blue to pink. Soon, Prince Elusive and Princess Rarity were married, and they lived happily ever after.

The end.

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