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Was tagged by : -mintyclouds-

let's do this.

Name: Shannon (basic af)

Meaning of name: According to Urban dictionary (hehehehe)

Meaning of name: According to Urban dictionary (hehehehe)

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This is not accurate... but it's urban dictionary, what did you expect?

Nickname: Shan, sanin, Don john, david, Satan (yes)

Fav colour: Grey

Fav food: All food! Nah jk, probably wagamama, cake, popcorn... you can probably tell how healthy(not) I am by this...

Height: 5"3

Piercings: Ears but I want more..

Fav season: Winter

Last song I listened to: Death of a Bachelor by Panic! At the Disco.

Eyes: Dark brown.. like very

Current outfit: clothes...

First friend on wattpad: Well apart from the people I know irl I honestly can't remember as I have the memory of a goldfish.

Fav book: Skulduggery pleasant (hehehehe)

Fav character: Either Anton Shudder or Solomon Wreath.

And im done!!

Im too lazy to tag anyone so do it if you want I don't mind!

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