Chapter 2

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"She asked me if I liked you." he said, blushing.

"Oh. Um. Well. Do you?" I asked nervously.

"Um. Well," he said scratching his head nervously. "Yeah. Yes. Yeah. Yeah I do. I mean, yes, I do like you."

"Oh. Okay." I said blushing, hard.

"So, what was it you wanted to tell me?" He asked.

Just then, the bell rang. I hurried off to my fifth hour which is theater one. I have theater one with Meghan, so of course, she was going to ask what he said. Thoughts began racing through my head. 'He likes me? Since when? Why me? Oh my gosh, I'm so happy, but how am I going to tell him I like him? What happens if we start dating? Will we start dating? Did Meghan already know that I liked him? What is going on?'

"Emma... Emma! Emma!" said a familiar voice.

"W-what?" I asked, confused. I looked up and saw that it was Meghan's boyfriend, Jake Trevor. "Oh. Sorry Jake. I was thinking."

"About what?" he asked, smirking at me.

"Nothing. It was just about... Never mind." I said, shaking my head.

"Okay, I'm going to go see if Meghan is here yet." he stated as he got up.

"Okay." I said, whisking him away.

Just then, I heard the door open and then slam shut. I looked behind me and saw him. Michael. He looked so handsome with his brown, shaggy hair. He has brown eyes and tan skin. He had a couple small freckles on his cheeks and by his nose. He was wearing a black hoodie with a baby blue shirt underneath. He also was wearing dark blue jeans.

"H-hi." I said, stuttering and blushing.

"Hey," he said, sitting on the floor next to me, "So, what did you need to tell me earlier?" he asked, confused. 'Oh god! how was I going to tell him! Oh gosh.' I started to get up and then I tripped on a cord. That was when I fell on top of Michael. He fell back and I was on top of him. Without realizing what I was doing, I leaned in and kissed him very shortly. I got up and sat next to him.

"I was going to tell you that I like you." I said, looking away from him. He carefully turned my chin towards him and I looked into his eyes. Then, he kissed me. It was a long kiss. Unlike the short one we shared earlier. I pulled away when I heard the bell ring. Then, class started and Mrs. Vasquez started writing on the board. I immediately got up to see what she was writing.

Today we are going to start working on a new play, called "Violet Skies." This is a play that is about paranormal activity. Please sign up below:

Violet Skies Sign-Ups

Lead Roles-

Gentre (Jen-Tree):


Major Roles-




Regular Roles-


Little Girl:

Ghost 1:

Ghost 2:

Alien 1:

Alien 2:

Old Man:


People began signing up right away. I really wanted to play a lead role, but the only one was Gentre, so I signed up to be her. Then, I saw Michael sign up to be Seth. I really hoped that we would both get the spots. After everyone had signed-up, the sheet looked like this:

Violet Skies Sign-Ups

Lead Roles-

Gentre (Jen-Tree): Emma Lee

Seth: Michael Havens

Major Roles-

Cameron: Jake Trevor

Lisa: Meghan Lacy

Hazel: Julie Sanders

Regular Roles-

Farmer: Cam Reynolds

Little Girl: Ashley Morgan

Ghost 1: Beatrice Hande

Ghost 2: Kaley Ferris

Alien 1: Allyssa Braxton

Alien 2: Jordan David

Old Man: Hayden Gene

Stalker: Georgia Mason

"I think that it's interesting that everyone has different handwriting." said a voice behind me that made me jump. I turned around to see who it was and it was Jake.

"Oh, hi. You scared me a little bit." I said nervously. You see, I have always been awkward around boys. That's one of the reasons why I didn't want a boyfriend. I was nervous and it was a waste of my time. That is, until Michael stepped into my life. 

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