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We all wonder this, "how do you deal with stupid people?" we most of the time don't know how to deal with the stupidity of others. So we get angry or we don't say anything at all. Some people prefer to tell or hurt them, and others prefer to just sit back and watch as the stupidity continues to grow and get bigger until it is just everywhere. If you have ever dealt with an idiot (and I'm sure you all have at one point and if you haven't than you are extremely lucky.) but if you have dealt with stupid people than you understand the frustration of wanting to smash there head into a wall every time they say anything. You understand that every word that comes out of there mouth is like being hit in the head with a hammer.

There are people who act stupid and than there are people who are just down right stupid and need to be punched in the face multiple times. There are people who act stupid to be "popular"(even though we should all know by now that being "popular" gets you NOWHERE IN LIFE AT ALL WHAT SO EVER.) example: it's like the popular girl that you know is really insanely smart but she acts stupid because she knows if she actually acts smart than the "popular" people will not like her because they are all stupid and just like being popular(even though once again we all know it will get you NOWHERE in life what so ever.) and than there are the smart people who you can stand being near and talking to.

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