What's the Internet??

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"Finally home from church" I complained to Jessica, "it was so boring!! How can you live through that obnoxious singing and standing every single Sunday?!"

She shrugged "It's not that bad once you get used to it." She stepped up to get into the car, "I've been going to church for years now, so I guess I'm just used to it, ya know?"

I decided not to reply. I strapped my seat belt on and mom put her car keys in the ignition and drove off.

We took a stop at Milk King to get some ice cream. I can admit, that was a plus on the whole "going to church" thing. I had to make sure they got my ice cream 100 percent correct. It specifically  had to be vanilla ice cream with strawberry syrup swirls and the brightest of red cherries. And there had to be a butt load of strawberry ice cream underneath all of that. "Mom" almost told me to stop talking though because apparently it was to expensive but she didn't want to rude in front of the cashier.

After a few more stops we made it back home. "Mom" went to her room and took off her very long heels. She seemed tired so I didn't try to bother her because I knew she would snap at me.

I walked over to Jessica's room.. which is also kind of my room too but for now it will only be hers, I just sleep in it.

I noticed that Jessica wasn't in her room so I checked the kitchen, the bathroom, the office, and eventually the basement. I found her down there. She was on some sort of TV device with a mini typewriter.

I walked up to her without making a sound and tapped her shoulder. She got really scared. I started to laugh but she punched me in the stomach and said "THAT IS LIKE, TOTES NOT FUNNY ALLISON!!!"

She looked back at the TV thing.

"Hey, what's that thing?" I asked.

"It's a computer, duh!"

"Oh, cool. And how do you use it, exactly?"

She looked at me really funny and said, "This is called 'the internet.' Here, just try this website. Oh and you have to move this thing around. Most humans call it a mouse." She said it very sarcastically, so I got really confused.

I used the mouse and saw that the little arrow on the screen moved wherever I moved the mouse. I thought it was pretty neat.

"Go to that first website." Jessica gave me a little grin, so I thought well, if Jessica likes it then maybe I will too. And she looks pretty happy so why not?

I clicked on the first hyperlink on the screen. It took me to another website that said in big letters TALK TO STRANGERS WITH YOUR WEBCAM!!!

I clicked that too because that was also a hyperlink.

Big mistake.

I could see my face on the screen and on the other half of the screen there was another face. It was a grown man staring at my side of the screen. He had dark brown hair and looked like he was about the age of.. maybe 25.. I'm not sure. I could see the light from his TV reflecting on his face. He stood up and started to unzip his pants. Then, he pulled down his underwear.

I saw his penis!! I gave out a loud screech and covered my eyes. Jessica was laughing a lot.

I took a really quick peek for a second and saw that he was stroking his penis and white jizz was coming out of it. Jessica was still laughing but I was tripping balls!! I started to laugh too though, because if I didnt, I knew that I would cry because of what had happened to me before.

Jessica exited from that website and went to search up a different one. She told me to click the first one. I noticed that the hyperlink was purple instead of blue like all of the others. But without reading what it said, I clicked that one too.

Another big mistake. The website had many videos of naked people having sex. I.. Was.. Terrified!! At the top if the screen it said Porn Palace.

I closed my eyes again. I heard the click of the mouse.. Jessica had clicked one of the videos!! I stood up from the chair, with my eyes still closed and walked away. I could hear multiple women moaning. I turned back for a second. And Jessica, well she, seemed to be enjoying watching those videos. But me, well, I wanted to pull her by her blonde ponytail to make her stop watching those videos, but she didn't. She called me over and told me not to tell our mother because if she knew, she would get really mad. I told her that I wouldn't tell "mom."

She asked me if I would watch some with her. I wanted to refuse but she tried to blackmail me by saying, "If you don't watch some with me, I'll tell mom that you do want to go to school after all." It worked.

I watched a few with her, but "mom" called her to go upstairs to wash the dishes. So, I stayed in the basement alone. I exited out of the internet. I saw that there were little icons on the screen. I pressed one named Rype. There were multiple names of peple on there so I pressed one. The name i pressed was Nick Ferry. I sent him a message because apparently him and Jessica had never talked before. He asked me what I looked like and told me to describe my features. I told him that I have really dark brown hair with blue eyes. And that I'm 14 and have a pretty smile (from what other people have told me.) He asked me to send him a picture of my face in exchange for his, so I did. He was so freaking hot!! He had dark blue eyes and blonde ish brown hair. He looked as if he were my age. He had rosy cheeks to die for and freckles. We agreed to do a "face" time thing. He said I was really pretty and that we should meet sometime.

Then, that's when things started to turn awkward

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Then, that's when things started to turn awkward. He asked me to lift up my dress and bra for his entertainment.. I thought it would be harmless, so I did. I put my dress back down and he said, "You have a really nice body, can't wait to see it." Then he asked for my address so I gave it to him and he wrote it down on a piece of paper." Then, he ended the face time.

"Mom" called me up for dinner afterward. I didn't say a thing about what had just happened. And I continued to eat my dinner.

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