Chapter 6: Date?

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{Max's POV}
   Ross, Barney, Red and I just finished the duct tape challenge, so there is a mess everywhere! (Y/N) and (Y/Bff/N) came in to help clean the mess. They threw pieces of tape at each other and (Y/N) threatened to attack her if another piece of duct tape got stuck in her hair.
(Y/N) looks so adorable... Why am I daydreaming? I guess I like her a lot then.
   "Max..Max!" "Huh?" I said, snapping out of the daydream. "Dude, you're like staring straight at her. Just ask her out already!" Ross said. "Shut up! I could say the same thing about you and (Y/Bff/N)!" I barked back.
    "Why don't we just ask them on a double date? Ross suggested. They would feel comfortable, and it won't be that awkward." "That's actually not a bad idea, Ross." I say.

~~~ Magical time skip to after the cleanup~~

{Your POV}
(Y/Bff/N) and I sit in my office as she rants. "I mean, I'm not crazy right? Does Ross like me?" She looks at me expecting a answer. I roll my eyes at her. "If you really like Ross, just ask him out." You say like it's obvious.
She opened her mouth to tell you how much she can't do that, but then Max and Ross enter your office. "Hey guys,, what's up?" You ask. "Uhh.. Max says, nervous. Ross and I were wondering if you guys wanted to go on a double date."
"D-date?" You say. (Y/Bff/N) shoots up from her chair. "Sure! When?" She says happily. "Tomorrow, at 7. We'll go to a movie, then dinner after." Ross tells her. "Okay." You say.
(Y/Bff/N) runs to her office, dragging you with her. You try to get out of her grip, but her nails are too long.
Where is she taking me now? She always is really giddy for dates. But for a double date, how excited is she now?

Don't worry, chapter 7 will be out later today.

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