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a state of low spirits caused by loss of hope or courage.

Joshua has been bored.

It's been a full week since the sighting of the creepy Tyler twin and he can't stop thinking about it. He still hasn't found a way to heal Tyler's soul yet. He can't even get onto the second plane.

Believe you me, he's tried. And every time he tries to move, he's pushed back to the first plane.

He knows he can help Tyler somehow, if he just had access to the plane.

Today was going to be another attempt while Tyler was asleep. Joshua knew it was going to end in failure, but he had to try. For Tyler.

He stood next to the bed, hands at his sides. He cast one last longing glance at Tyler, who was sound asleep. He didn't want to leave him.

Taking in a shaky breath, Joshua closed his eyes. He wished to be in the second plane, imagining himself in that long hallway filled with lights and doors.

When he opened his eyes, he was there. The hallway was as beautiful as he had left it two days ago.

The reflection of the lights shimmered in his wide, hopeful eyes. They swept back and forth as he contemplated simply moving. The fear of the pain that came from being vaulted from this plane held him back.

He had to build up confidence for a good ten minutes before finally biting down on his lip and swallowing the anxiety. His eyes shut and he took a step forward.


One eye popped open. He saw that he was still on the plane, still one step further than he was before.

He let out a scoff of disbelief. It had worked. Joshua was finally in the second plane and able to stay.

"Congratulations, Joshua."

The eerie voice was back, and coming from somewhere in the hallway. He couldn't tell where it was; it came from neither here nor there. It was just...floating around.

It was deep, slow. Joshua felt it was like someone put a voice scrambler on in a movie.

"W-who are you?" Joshua demanded, though his faltering voice gave away his hidden fear.

"I'm Tyler."

"No, you're not. Tyler's Tyler."

The voice let out a soft chuckle. "How true. But at the same time, I am him. You just wouldn't believe me if I told you."

"Then tell me. Maybe I-maybe I will."

Joshua's eyes searched all around for the source of the noise. The only thing in sight were the bulbs.

"And why should I tell you?"

"Because I'm...I'm Tyler's guardi-ghost. I'm his ghost." Joshua caught himself before he said what he thought of himself as.

"Did you just say you were his guardian?" The voice chuckled maliciously.

"No, I-"

"You are no more his guardian than I am holy. You do nothing to keep him safe, no matter what you think."

That was not true, but at the time, Joshua believed it. The words beat down on him like rocks on his back.

"But I am..."

"Oh, stop this foolishness. Look," A snap could be heard. And at that moment, the doppelgänger appeared in front of Joshua. "You can what you want. I'm just here to take Tyler's soul for my own."

Ghost Whispers |-/ JoshlerWhere stories live. Discover now