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suggest or call attention to indirectly; hint at.


The name stuck in Tyler's mind for the rest of the week. As snow began to fall on the Ohio ground, November was off to a bad start.

Insanity gripped Tyler's mind like a vice and squeezed. Whatever remained of his sanity was expelled and left behind.

Tyler was almost manic, thinking about who Joshua was, who that 'guardian' was. He knew it couldn't be a dream, not anymore.

All of this was real, and it was happening to him. No one would ever believe him, of course. He'd had to keep this secret so his parents didn't send him away.

He had been pacing along his wall the entire morning with his mind still processing all that was happening.

Quiet snow came down from the heavens and coated the ground and streets. His window was completely white, and the breeze from the crack swirled about the room.

Joshua watched all of this in wonder. He never knew someone could go this long without talking to anyone else.

Tyler's mouth had been seen shut by his troubles ever since the dream. For four days. It's Saturday now, and the boys had practice in two hours.

"Joshua..." Tyler muttered. By now, the ghost had become used to the mindless uttering of his name and didn't jump at the thought that Tyler might be able to see him. He had been stung too many times already.

Lillian was uneasy. She too walked around aimlessly to ease the stress of Joshua, but found it did nothing to help.

Having been to the planes only once this past week, Joshua hadn't seen Abraxas. On one hand, it was good, but also worrisome.

He could be doing anything to Tyler right now and Joshua would have no clue. Abraxas is a sneaky demon with damaging intent to Tyler.

A soft meow broke the silence. Both boys looked to Lillian, who sat under the window. Her tail moved in circles behind her anxiously.

Joshua knew that she wanted something, but Tyler didn't. He'd take some more convincing.

She meowed again, followed by a gurgly hiss. Now she had Tyler's attention.

"What is it?" He asked quietly. He stopped pacing and walked to her. Crouching down, she raised a paw and placed it on his kneecap.


Another meow. He didn't seem to understand.

"Lillian, if you're trying to tell me something, I'm gonna be freaked out. It's bad enough that I probably have a ghost in the house haunting me, so if you start talking, I'm gonna go insane." Tyler said. He placed two fingers on her paw before she pulled it away.

Thankfully, she didn't say anything, just clawed at the wall under the window.

Joshua watched in wonder as well, trying to decipher what was going on. He didn't have much time to, as he was thrown back.

Something had grabbed the collar of his shirt from behind and pulled him back and away from both Lillian and Tyler.

With a sly chuckle, Abraxas stepped over him and towards the boy and his cat. "Stay down, pet."

"No!" Joshua screamed as he scrambled to stand up. He was shoved right back down by Abraxas's outstretched hand behind him. He now stood over Tyler, hands folded behind his back.

Ghost Whispers |-/ JoshlerWhere stories live. Discover now