Chapter 3

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I purposely lied to them, I had to make sure they meant me no harm. Now days the living can be even more dangerous then the dead. It didn't matter that they had kids with them, looks can always be deceiving.

When I pulled the hide flap back, I knew they wouldn't be happy for what waited there for them.

Making my way to the four, five year old boys that were standing against the rarest cavern wall, each holding either a knife, gun, or bow. All the while White-Fang and her pups stood to the side slightly growling, stand guard infant of them.

"Thought you said you were alone?" questioned a short brown haired girl.

"Precaution," was my only reply.

With that their once anger expressions faded as one by one the nodded in understanding.

The man with the brown hair and beard stepped forward. "I'm Rick Grimes, this is my son Carl and the baby is my daughter Judith. Herschel is the man you carried, this is his daughters Maggie and Beth. Glenn is Maggie's husband. Carol is the lady with the short hair and her daughter Sophia. Next is Michonne and then lastly the Dixon brothers. Mere is the one handed one and the other is Daryl. Thank you for bringing us here. Would you mind telling us your names."

Placing a hand on each of the boys heads I said their names. "Renji, Remie, Neji, and Kenji. Samuel Two-Moons."

Once everyone was calm, I motioned for them to follow me.

"Daryl's P.O.V."

The guy had lied to us, but I guess after thinking about it I can understand why.

After the intoductions, Samuel motioned for us to follow him.

We walked down a path goin further into the cave. One by one he appointed rooms for us to sleep in, Rick and Michoone shared a room with Carl and Judith, of course Maggie and Gleen got their own, followed by Merle, Carol and Sophia sharing a room. Beth and Hearshel shared too, leaving me bunking with Samuel and the four boys.

The further we went into the cave the deeper it got. We descovered a room with all types of skinned animals hanging from the ciling, a room with said skins drying and in piles acros the floor, then came a room with logs of wood some split and some not.

The last part of the caveren we saw led up past a small natural steam, down a set of man made stairs, towards a steaming pool of water.

"This is the bathing area, also we bring clothes here to wash and dry. No one is to be here alone expecially the children. This hot spring sits on top of a small lava stream. Its deep enought to heat the pool but just in case always have someone with tyou at all time." Samuel stated before going back up the steps.

Once we were back in the main cave, we all settled down and began talking among oursels. It wasnt until some time later that we noticed Samuel and the boys werent there. But as soon as we thought that the boys came back with some of the deer from todays kill and began cooking it.

But still no Samuel, me and Merle began looking for the guy. We finally came across him in one of the many storage rooms.

He had his back to us, splitting wood. He must of gotten confratable, there he stood barefoot, no shirt and in only a pair of overalls, swinging and ax chopping wood.

The scars we noticed on his face were nothing comepared to what we saw now. The went from his shoulder, down his back and towards his hip.

How the hell did this guy survive. I mean from the bright pinkish tent of the scars you could tell they were farely newly healed. So again I wonder how this guy survived without the vanage of moderen medison.

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