Chapter 5

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"Daryl's P.O.V" I awoke to a heavy weight all over my body. At first I was just confused, then I remembered last night.

Instead of waking them, I just let them sleep while I thought over everything.

It turns out they all were having a bad dream but when the couldn't find Sam, they came and woke me up.

I didn't know what to do, hell I'm use to it just being me. But then I remembered how I felt when I was their age, wanting someone to conferet you after a bad dream. I just couldn't let these li'le ones experience the same pain and loneliess I did.

I let the four of them crawl into bed with me, it was kind of akward, to tell you the truth.

It was a tight fit but We managed to make it work. Remi and Damion layed on either side of me, while Jack and Ken layed down on my chest, with me wrapping my arms around all four of them as best as possible.

We all soon fell asleep like that, it was different.

Not different in a bad way but different in a good way.

I remember before the whole end of the world shit happened, I always thought I would meet the perfect girl some day. I always wanted a big house full of kids, and they would grow up a million times better then I ever did. But with everything that's happened, my chances were even more slim of finding myself the perfect girl, let alone having kids.

As those thoughts ran through my head I felt the tail tell signs that they were starting to wake.

Looking down I watched as one by one the lifted their heads a rubbed the sleep from their eyes.

When their light blue eyes fell on me, I didn't know what to do. So I just jestered for them to get a move on to breakfast.

As We walked down the caverens hall, I could hear the others up and about. As We walked in We were greeted with the sight of breakfest being dished up.

Carol helped me get the boys their plate, since there was no sight of Sam. Just as We finished breakfest Sam walked out wearin' pair of skin tight buckskin pants tan boots and once again no top.

Doesn't this girl ever cover up? I wondered.

In her hand she carried a large bundle of berlap bags,while slung across her back was her bow and quiver of arrows. I also noticed she had a machetti strapped to her waist along with a hatchet.

Upon seeing her the boys raced to her side, throwing their arms around her crying. "No, you can't go, don't leave us again."

We all watched as she sighed before squatting down to the boys leavle, giving them each a big hug and a kiss. "I know boys, but winter is moving in faster then expected this year. We got tools gather all the supplise that We can while the weather is good."

Rights as those words came out of her mouth I objected, "Woman, are you crazy or somethin'. Ya can't go out there alone. There's more danger then just walkers wondering around. It ya leaven I'm coming with you!" At my words Rick, Glenn, and Myrle agreed.

She just shook her head, "Daryl I want you here with the boys, they look up to you. Personally I prefer to go alone, I know the trails better then any of y'all, I know where to go to get what I'm looking for. Plus I need you guys here to hunt for more meat. What we got won't last the winter, same as fire wood. While I'm gone i'd like y'all ta work on that."

I wasn't the only one that noticed she didn't say when she'd be back. I was about to ask her but Rick beat me to it. "When are you going to be back?"

"About a weeks time, and while you boys are hunting, don't shoot any of the wolves up here. My people protect them, it I find out you do, when I get back your out. Got it!"

We all just nodded, when she was satisfied with our answers she kissed the boys once again before heading out the cave and down the mountain side.

I watched as she disapeared, when I could no longer see her, I turned to the four li'le boys who were now my responsibiliy till Sam came back.

I just don't know what I am going tools do with them while she is gone.

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