Handwritten Diary

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URGH!! I can't stay alone in this freaking haunted place! But I don't want to say it by myself... You know, to that jerk. Let me just watch TV rather wasting time... as if I can't survive a night without him! There he comes! 'Lily, be normal, even if he leaves, don't show your shivers...'I stood immediately rather awkwardly like an army soldier right at the moment I saw Gred. When I finished doing my weird exercise, if you say, I started my remote hunt for, I always forget where I keep the remote more often.

He stared at me for a while before he realized it. It took us a whole 15 minutes to start talking. So after centuries, he opened up his heavenly made mouth and said he will stay for tonight as his parents will be away for an aunt's funeral.. But I knew he was lying because Gred was rubbing his neck as though something bite him. I rolled my eyes, trying to ignore the fact that I am safe; and flipped my hair to do a new braid tutorial that I watched a while ago. I saw him rushing straight to my room and coming with my favorite Teddy (which he got for me some years ago). I usually get irritated when he tries to sleep with any of my teddys. I was praying that he won't do anything like I am thinking...I knew why he was with my teddy...it's because even if when I swear that I won't talk with him but touching or playing with my Teddy makes me forget everything!!

'I really need to sleep well, you know..' Gred said with an evil smile on his face. As soon as he finished his sentence, he threw the Teddy on the couch over the pizza box full of sauce which I bet messed my teddy; and jumped on to it with his head bumped in. I was so furious but I couldn't say a single word because it was feeling like I was unable to talk. After a moment of silence and also a little laughter from Gred, I threw the remote targeting his head and raced towards the balcony.

He came running behind my back as he maybe understood I didn't really liked to get my Teddy, messed. Just the moment I felt some teardrops coming down my face, I sensed a rose-soft hand on my shoulder as a charming warm aired voice touched my ears; saying,

'I am sorry, I know I shouldn't have behave like that with you but Drake is a jerk, he has his eyes on you and he was watching you badly and I knew!! I tolerated for the whole time but when he winked at you and you smiled but yeah I believed that you didn't smile back for the winking but I put all my frustration onto you by saying all those filthy words!! Yet, I can't just sit back here when my galaxy is being watched!' After a small break for breathing from his bullet-train-speed explanation, he began again rather with a relaxed tone

'I was eager to beat him hard but didn't because you seemed to behave well with him cause you didn't know his real motives till now. And I did my controlling before I saw him winking, I felt like a huge volcano just exploded inside but without any notice. I am really sorry, my galaxy. It won't happen ever again, I promise. ' He released a breath of relief as he finished explaining with a couple of pouty faces at the end.

All this time, I was looking at Gred with great curiosity! How sweet he looks when he is worrying, isn't he? But why did he freaked out when Blake winked at me? Why were he being so over protective? Why is he making these faces now?! Urgh, he looks super cute and I hate him !

We sat in the balcony for an hour or so but didn't talk about anything. We just sat there, like I was sitting at one corner and Gred on the other. Like, after a couple of years, we started talking

' Hey, listen, don't forget about the 1D concert, I have got you the VIP passes, I hope you noticed that, and some lucky fans will be able to meet them in real! It was written in the paper with them. '

Gred seemed more excited for the concert than me even though he don't listen to these boys but he is really excited to take selfies with them! He is quite weird,I know but yeah, like always. All of a sudden, I remembered that he have his football match this Saturday!

'Oh yeah, you have your football match this Saturday, isn't it ? I will pick you up that day okay? '

Just after I finished my sentence, we started laughing as both of us knew that I am a really horrible driver; therefore he understood that I indirectly told him to pick me on Saturday..so he said 'Okay!' By the time, we decided to watch our favourite Mr. Bean animation movie. We watched not only one but five of them through the whole night actually like almost because it was around 3 am. I went to my room to keep my school bag while Gred was making something to eat. Then I remembered the root of all arguments.... The book! I took the book, went to the kitchen and sat on the kitchen table.

'Gred I forgot to tell you something because of all this stuffs...that is I had an argument with the librarian today as always but the reason was that someone named Gary, left a book for me and I even don't know anything about it...now should I open it or....?'

'Yeah go on, what else will cause if you open a simple book?!'

'Yeah right!' I replied giving a weird rejected expression.

I stared back at the book...it was a simple looking book with some strange words written on it. It was complete black leather covered book with four golden designs on the edges. I looked at Gred before I opened the book as if I am going on a dangerous mission. The first page was completely blank except a name written on it at the very end of the page, whom I don't know, obviously. I turned the page seeing the whole full of writings, then I turned again, again and again but all the pages were written with words that seemed to be written by a person who has a great hand writing. Some moments later as I finished going through all the pages checking if something is there interesting.. I looked back at Gred who seemed not to pay attention to my situation with this book. 'GRED!!' I yelled straight.

'Yeah, what? 'He questioned confusingly.

'Don't you think, it is weird because it seems like a diary than a book and moreover who will give me book, sorry, diary to me?'

'But your name is mentioned on that paper!'

'Hmm. I don't know what to do with it!'

'Let's see, we will find a way out of it and maybe find the person behind this book but let me suggest you something, read some pages of the book then you may understand what this is all about; you never know!'

I gave him a series of pouty face expression to tell him that he will read it to me soon after he finished his talking because I don't like to read unless someone is reading it for me beside.

After seeing my reaction he gave me a funny obvious look and said '.. And yeah, I will read it for you!' And he ended with a pearly smile that made the whole room shine.


Hey guys, I will really appreciate if you vote for the chapters when you read because each vote contains lots of love from me for you i.e. my readers. And yeah, my story is moving a little slowly but don't worry it'll get better.

P.S. lots of love from my finger tips and my brain(ovio) for which I am able to write these chapters.

||Today's Question||
#What song is on your mind right now ?
Mine is They Don't Know About Us by One Direction .
What's yours ? Comment here .


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