The No-School Day

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'Okay, so let's start, galaxy!' I said with an expectation to see her smile but yeah it failed as she was too busy eating up the peanut butter bread I made for her! 'Hmm?' I asked again to get attention and I actually got. The book cover was really comfy like Lily always wanted; and I always had to remake every school book cover to make it comfy for her because according to her comfy book has life! The words written on the cover were something like this - "REHTAFDOG RUOY MORF" these words doesn't even exists for Google! I opened the book someone's name was written "Lumen Patrinus ". The next pages were full of writings and began reading from the very beginning.....

Dear Lily,

It might seem weird to you or also to your best friend, Gred, but there are some things you really need to know. You were always a sweetheart to your parents. The day you were born was really freezing and everything seemed like was frozen but the happiness that you brought on way to your mother, Diana's lap, made the lawn warm like summer. We are happy to name you Lily which gave you sprinkle of simpleness in your beauty. You have grown so quickly, I must say. Your parents were the real living example of God made couple. No one ever imagined that they would end up like this. Your mother and father's death haunt me still now. I attended their funerals but couldn't face you because of my deeds! I am sorry...but I am not allowed to tell you all about this or maybe the truth...

That's all was written on the first few pages. I turned to face Lily who was looking at the cushions lying on the floor; she was still as if a statue but her breathing made it unreal. ' Are you okay?' I asked with hesitation.

I stared at her until she replied breaking her silence ' I guess, no. I am fine'. It actually surprised about the fact that this person whoever it is, knows something that we don't but we should! 'Dude! This guy even know my name?!' I screamed to her laugh but failed. She got up and went straight towards her bed and maybe fell asleep. I slept on the couch thinking about the diary and it's words.


The next morning was not actually morning to everyone else! It was 1:15 am! I jumped out of my bed wishing it not to be a dream because I really like my sleep and that another big big reason I hate school. I went to the kitchen and saw a plate full of mushroom fries, French fries, cheese bread and pepperoni with baked beans salad with two mugs of strawberry milkshake! My eyes were stunned to see my most favorite foods in one plate that too for breakfast!! I was happy as ever and obviously, I knew, it was Gred! Who else could it be? I ignored Gred who was sleeping on the couch maybe after making the breakfast; I knew that he just slept a while ago as the food was hot!! Todays bath took less than 2 mins whereas I always take 30 mins!! But I was distracted on my way out of the bathroom by some packets that took my heart away....3 packets of my favorite marshmallows!! I quickly grabbed those and put it in the freezer and rolled a chair with my food plate and mugs all the way to the living room to watch my favorite - Glee.

It took 4 Glee episodes to finish my food and 2 episodes to finish washing the great pile of dishes. I punched hard on Gred's back when I noticed it's 3:45 pm, he jumped out of the couch in terror and instantly I sat on the couch with a remote in one hand and a mug in the other; yeah, the other mug was right in front of me.....on the table. He gave me a horrific look and made his way towards bathroom with scratching his eyes for which he bumped to the wall twice this time. 'Ouch!' He screamed and the whole house echoed as I was laughing like a ghost; and somehow, it made Gred smile even when he is sleepy. 'Uhh!! After ages...' He ended up giving me a big smile that really looked cute on him. Yeah,whatever!

The TV made me bore while Gred came out of the bathroom and kneeled on the ground to search for his phone which was with me obviously as I was searching for any new messages with girls to tease him.
I quickly filled my pocket with the phone and took both the mug and ran, reacting normally, towards the kitchen which maybe made him suspicious towards me! So I kept the phone into the oven. He came and looked at me which great doubt but all his "viewing" went into vein when he couldn't find anything from me. Although, I know Gred still knows its me who took the phone and maybe that's the reason he stopped looking for it. I was still standing in the kitchen but moved when Gred suddenly spoke ' Today I wished to cook grilled prawn with grilled broccoli but some people don't even let me to order some ingredients for them...' This made my hunger roar and ultimately, I rushed to him until I remembered that he is plotting all this for me to give back the phone but I am not that silly to return it! He rose as he saw the phone in my hand; I sat on the couch while he was standing 'You have to plead for this' I commanded with great attitude. Surprising me, he agreed and kneeled down to plead and I was obviously having pretty fun... But as I was just unlocking the phone to to take pictures, he grabbed the phone and ran to the other side of the room.

I felt defeated long before I started my fight. Because I knew it was useless to fight when it comes to him! Both of us sat on the other couches while I turned the channel to discover the Harry Potter movie playing! And then I ? I was busy with the Harry Potter movie marathon and he was busy with his guitar probably working for his new song that I wrote last month.


Hey guys nothing to say much. Just keep me in your prayers and stay blessed as earthquakes are happening around. And yeah make sure you vote when you read it really encourages the one who writes. Thanks XOXO


What do you want to be in the future?
I want to be astronomer, lyricist singer, known YouTuber.

What's yours? Comment here!


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