The Sleepless Night

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The night we went to the concert were perfect as Lily's wavy hairs, until the time when lily was sleeping on the couch in front, I noticed that my phone beeped which only means I got a message or something. I unlocked the phone and found out that I got one mail but from an extremely surprising mom and dad?! It's actually surprising because they don't mail me ever, they always text me but this was different. Thinking that they might have got much leisure time to waste and that's the reason there's a mail from them, I opened the mail though it took a while as it was buffering. Then I was stun. The only line that made my eyes come out was that - ' We know you would be disappointed to know but The Dale Highschool will be sending the approval letter to you soon. And Greddy, there is no other way out. Sorry, darling. '

These words felt like several knifes pointed towards my heart but never knew that it was actually gonna hit the aim! The thoughts that came into my mind turned into reality as soon I received the approval. It was all about me moving out to Calgary, Canada. The tears that came out of my eyes were slippery as it went through my cheek bone down to my neck. I hold my face with my both hands while I thrown the phone once. I rushed to the bathroom and sobbed like a child. I knew this was all happening....I will have to go away form my galaxy, my town, my school , my Lily ...for ever. Is all these really in need where you are not happy at all? I turned on the shower and started crying again as the water rushing down made my eyes hurt. I came out, wishing that Lily is not around or else she would ask thousand questions but I won't tell her anything because I know my galaxy can't even stay a day without fighting with come she will survive years? This thoughts made my eyes watery but everything felt normal when I looked at Lily sleeping on the couch like a new born baby with the blanket pushed into her hands. Looking at her felt everything is normal. I got dressed into something else and raced to be in my place where had seen me before sleeping. I was lying on the couch, I was facing towards Lily but somewhere I felt a relief that I can still come once a year , maybe. But to burst my bubbles...the phon beeped again. It was a text from dad. I opened as I should and it said :

' Greddy, we are really sorry but it's all happening just over night ,you know. Actually, it's not only you who are moving but we are also. I mean to say, we have to move to Calgary because of some business issues and yeah, we are settling there. That will our real place from the next week as we will be leaving by this Monday. You might have got the approval mail and so you know your gonna be going into the best highschool in town! You should be happy. '

Okay, so now, they think that I should be happy because I will be going into one of the best school in town?! That's what they think I am? And real place ? What real place? The place where my galaxy lives, the place where I grew up to be me, the place where we met; this place is my real one! Interrupting me, the phone beeped again; this message from dad only contained ' ???? ' It was for a quick reply so I just wrote back 'Hmm'
Because it's the only way to stop saying anything rude back. I went to my gallery and found some old/new pictures of Lily and me. I went through all of them to the addition of my sorrows. I cried the whole night until the ray of sunshine touched Lily's hair, making her hair shine brightly. I tried to close my eyes and sleep even for a few minutes but failed. I knew that I was looking horrible because even if I don't sleep for one night my eyes get swollen and dark circles appears quicker than expected. It actually reflects in my face that I haven't slept and I hate it as I have got no solution to hide it. But today I was really in great danger...because Lily will be awake in some hours and obviously it won't go away just in hours. She will ask me several questions but I fear if she get to know about me leaving my galaxy alone! Thinking this my became a little heavy and taking advantage of that I closed my eyes which leaded to a short term sleep which I am really thankful for.

Lets pray that Lily will at least talk to me Gill this Monday.


What the hell?!

'What happened to you ?! Come with me...this classes can be done when we will be done talking about why were you awake and cried the whole damn night!' I hold his hand tightly as possible and pulled him towards the ground. He was really expecting this I can say by his expressions as it was normal ,like nothing happened.

'Now tell me what happened and why were you crying?' I asked him with my right eyebrow raised up and hands folded on one another.

'Oh this?... It... nothing happened. Actually, you were asleep quick and was feeling sleepy so I was watching some videos in the no light zone; so eyes became watery because of the late night watching and I even watched till 5am. So that's the reason of my weird face.' He was literally shivering as he finished explaining.

'What do you think of yourself huh? You want me to share every damn thing of mine whereas you don't even bother to tell me. Everything lime always you have been lying to me about yourself. What will I do if I know something about you, Gred? Am I your enemy or something mission? You have been doing this for years but not for today! I am done with you! You may needed some space so go, I am not anything to you anymore. We are done with each other. Don't even try to talk to me ...' He came towards me to calm me but I pushed him aside ' Don't even try to touch ! I don't know you .....and you might think I can't survive a day without you? Well, I can. I don't need strangers to worry about me!' I started to rush towards the school as I saw that Gred was still standing in the same position as before I was almost into the school when I shouted back at him ' And I have Blake for that!' I know that broke his heart! All those words before were nothing when I said the last words. And yeah I know that now we are done in real. Without looking back for once again, I raced towards the class as I felt my eyes heavy to burst into tears yet I yelled 'May I come in Miss. Gomez? I am sorry for being late.' And I went into the class and took the steps that I regret that if I had taken those steps backwards to Gred, I had my other half with me.

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