Gred's Birthday

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*****Lily's P.O.V.*****

The next few periods were maybe quite interesting to some people but I couldn't understand a single thing at all. During the break, I wanted to not have food but had to as I was starving. Actually I didn't want to meet Gred for today, at least. But fate, you know. I took the food I wanted and went straight to the distant table to sit from the everyday table where Gred sits. I waited for a long time but Gred was no where to be seen. The chairs in front were empty and was so eager to see them full. The next moment, Drake entered, he asked ' Can I ? ' and surprisingly at the same moment, Gred entered. And by seeing him I said okay. He sat there and was continuously talking about all his rubbish popularity. I kept looking at Gred from side ways as sometimes we caught each other staring. The time flew by fast and I ran furiously to my physics as soon the bell ran. The only place that made my day peace was this physics class. Today's topic was black hole. Oh, I am so into this one. I had to stay late for not doing some homeworks. But I left home at least before Gred. I saw him in the football court playing probably practicing for tomorrow's match. He was happy, football and guitar always made him happy but never knew that they will still bring happiness without me.

I was leading to my apartment thinking about all the ups and downs, all the pain I got, all the happiness I got. It all made me happy. But the one thing that stings is the only person alive who shares all this is Gred but even while alive, he is not here. I unlocked my door as my phone beeped... It's says the my stepparents are coming as well as my step brother, Daniel Ashley. He is 14 years old, sweet charming fatty boy. From his early ages, he used to enjoy my company. No one could doubt that we were step siblings. We had the same blood that run through our veins. I love him a lot, he slapped me back once when his mother asked him to and he thinks that I hate him for that but he loves me too, I know. No one could figure out in our childhood that we were from different mothers! Mom and Mr. Edward comes more often but it's been 4 years I met Dani. Remembering that they are gonna be here in any minutes, I put all the things in their right manner and sat on the couch that Gred sleeps most often. After an hour or so, I woke up from my half sleep as I heard the door opened when the bell ringed. They arrived! But who opened the door? Uhh! Gred?! I acted normal the whole time but deep inside some mix feelings were going through me. Just after I set the table for dinner, Daniel entered with a broad smile but the black hole was with him; Gred was with him. I began gossiping with Daniel and ya, he have grown to a really handsome boy. Everyone at the dinner table were more like friends but don't know what happens outside when they are are not. Unfortunately, I had to take Gred to the doorsteps as mom insisted. I don't know but mom always like Gred a lot, it's good but it becomes a curse when we are fighting. Just like now. I really wanted to yell at him that why did he entered the house without my permission? I really need to steal his keys! I dragged him out of the house and closed the door on his face after giving him a weird look. I went to my room and slept the whole night but I won't say that I missed him.

***** Gred'sP.O.V.*****

My appearance really shocked, Lily and I actually wanted that. It's been ages Daniel and I met, we spent quite some time, talking. But now I am leading towards my house which we will leave in two days. Is all this really necessary? Is success really such important that you can even leave the place you belong? To me, as long I have my love ones close, I am happy; I am successful. I don't need all those luxuries! I need my galaxy. My thoughts got deeper and deeper as I got closer to my house. Today my parents were at home. They might have got some days off before we move to Calgary. 'Gred, come downstairs! We have got some stuffs that we might need there, hon.' I rushed downstairs and took the stuffs. They were brandy but I knew, mom and dad bought those so that they can show off to their business colleagues. They packed almost everything and I was about to pack my things when Daniel messaged me that Lily has got high fever. I left all my stuffs scattered throughout the room and raced with my car to Lily who was tempting to have my hands lay on her forehead. As soon as I reached there I saw that the lights were off but just in a second, the lights were on and there were everyone standing with my birthday cake. Everyone as in every damn one ...from Jack to Alison, from the nerd to the bad group of the school. I was surprised. I never knew that they would come for my birthday! I know that it's Lily who made them come but she is no where to be seen. Everyone came and hugged me I was surrounded by almost half of the school. Then I found Daniel and I punched twice on his shoulder, yelled 'Why the hell you messaged me that Lily was sick?! I was dying form worrying!'

' Really?!' Asked Daniel.
'Ah ha ! But yeah where on earth is Lily?'
' Why are you dying to meet her?'
'No, I am not! ....I mean yeah I just need to be assured that she is fine. She was looking quite sick this afternoon'
'Dude hold on to yourself ! There is no hurry to be my brother-in-law.'
'You!' I ran behind him throughout the whole house but yeah, I had butterflies running all over my stomach when Daniel said that.

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