A Nightmare About Her Fear

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STAR LOOKED AT JACKIE AND MARCO. She wasn't jealous or anything - she was plain happy. Seeing her best friend happy makes her happy. She smiled at the sight and suddenly, Marco and Jackie's voice seemed to grow louder by the second. She was inside her room, while they were outside the house - so Star found it weird.

"Hey, Marco," Jackie started, "do you... Um... How can you live with Star?"

That made Star's forehead cease.

"Well... What do you mean?" Marco asked.

"You know, you're a wonderful karate boy. You're disciplined, and organized... And all that stuff," the skateboard girl explained. "But then she's reckless and irresponsible. Hah, makes me wonder, you're tough. You two are nothing alike but still you managed to be alive and you're always by her side. Honestly speaking, Marco, you two are not for each other."

Star expected that Marco would scold Jackie, shout at her, or maybe even punch her or embarrass her with some monologue. But then, no. She was wrong. Marco began to grin, then he smirked. He let out a loud and huge sigh as he chuckled because of Jackie's statement. Ouch, did that hurt. Star forced to blink her tears away but it was no use. Soon enough, a tear was rolling down her cheek.

"I know, I know..." Marco shrugged his shoulders. "...But hey, my parents would scold me if anything bad happens to Star. I have to be good to her at all costs, even if I badly don't want to." An imaginary knife struck Star's heart. "But it's okay... Sometimes... I have benefits! I can secretly go on adventures because of her recklessness."

"Boy, do you love adventures," Jackie commented and laughed. Marco nodded and did the same. After, they went away.

They never knew that a heartbroken girl was looking at them. She got the little picture of them and ripped it into pieces. Then, she took the pillow and threw them across her room. She punched the walls, hugged laser puppies who were dang concerned about her (they had sad faces, okay?), and punched the mirror.

That made a loud crash that's why the door flew open - and it showed a worried Mrs. Angie Diaz. "Star! What on Earth-? Are you crying?"

Star felt weak when she saw Marco's mom... And her bleeding fist. She began to kneel and cry loudly as she can. Mrs. Diaz went near her. "Marco..." Star whispered - but it was loud enough for Mrs. Diaz to hear. "Marco... I thought... He lied."

"What?" Mrs. Diaz said. "Star! Wake up!"

Star looked at Mrs. Diaz; boy, did she sound like Marco. "Star! Wake up!"




"Star!" He hugged her tightly, and she swore she knew Marco was crying. "I'm so glad you're okay now. You were hit by this flying dark thing that we were chasing-" Marco was cut off when Star pushed him away. He didn't know it was because of that stupid dream. Star was now afraid of him - she's afraid that the dream's real. "Star?"

"Marco... You..."

"Shh," Marco said and went near her a little. "You... You dreamed about me betraying you, didn't you?" Star gave him a small nod. "Don't believe that, okay? It was just a nightmare. You see, this flying dark thing hit you and all I know is that it gives you nightmares - to be exact, you'll dream about your fear - you'll dream about something that you don't wanna happen."

Star cried again. And she hugged Marco. "You'll never do that, right?"

"I won't," Marco promised. "I'll always be here for you, Star. I won't betray you. You're my best friend; and I ain't faking anything."

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