Let's Waltz

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//imagine they weren't in the modern days//

"I wanna runaway," Star said to Marco. "I've had enough of everything! How dare they? Arranging a marriage for me? For the best of everything? I'm... I'm hurt... They're only thinking about Mewni, and not me," she continued and soon enough, a tear rolled down her cheek. Marco took pity on her. But what would he do? He was only a blacksmith - a very regular one.

He can't help the Princess - even if he wants to. So... Let me explain some things.

Star Butterfly is the wonderful princess of Mewni. She has this gorgeous oceanic eyes and also this long blond hair. She's somehow irresponsible but the Mewmans (especially the needy ones) can always depend on her. While Marco? He was handsome - too handsome for the blacksmith that some people thought he was a royalty from another dimension. But he wasn't.

He wasn't like Star's kind; they were opposites. But still, they were the best of friends. They would meet up in the woods - Marco escaping every time the blacksmiths would have a break from work. While Star? She would sneak out of her prison; the bedroom's her prison, to be honest. Well, now... They're in the woods.

And Star has a problem - Marco wants to help, but he can't.

"Star," he called. "I... I can't help you. But maybe I can make you smile?" He cupped her face and played with it a bit just to cheer the princess up. "We can still see each other even if you're already married. And it's 4:30. Your parents might check up on you."

"Why is that?" Star's forehead ceased.

"Because you have a ball to attend," Marco reminded her as he laughed - typical Star... Always forgetting her schedule. It was a good thing that Marco was there to remind her things. "The Blood Moon Ball, remember? You should be pretty. You'll meet your fiance soon and you'll dance with him." Star frowned. "Hey, what's the prob?"

"Well." Star laid her head on Marco's shoulder. "The Blood Moon Ball... You know that tradition? The moon selects two lucky souls that it'll bind for eternity. What if- What if I dance with my fiance and no moon will shine on us? Things will be nasty. I heard he has anger issues." Then, she buried her head on Marco's chest.

There was silence. But they didn't care - in fact, they enjoyed it. They kept their mouths shut and drifted off to sleep. Wild animals saw them but none of them bothered to wake the two up - because there was a red light that was shining above them - and they knew what that meant. The animals left them instantly. When it was 4:55, Star left.

And when Marco woke up, no red light was shining on him - well, he never knew anyway. He went back to his precious home and played with the recorder; it was his latest invention. He made sure that his surrounding was silent. Then, he began to pluck his guitar - he played a wonderful piece that would be fine with waltz.

He closed his eyes and resisted the urge to hum. After playing the 5-minute piece, he turned off his recorder. As if on cue, Star barged in - makeup was running down her face. Marco got some towel and wiped the dirt off her face. "Star..." He was cut off by a hug. Star continued to wept. "Shh, everything's fine. Bother to share?"

The hug tightened.

"We... He's... He's a demon." She let go of the hug and Marco gave her a glass of water. She accepted it and drank before talking. "Physically, yes; horns? Check. Eyes on the forehead? Check." She then shook her head and finished her water. Marco took it and got some water for him to drink. "I didn't care about that, really. But then... He has anger issues." Star looked down. "He went berserk when no moon shone on us."

"That sucks," Marco said. Star smiled. "Let's go to the woods? My parents would be home soon, and they'll be curious because the pretty little Princess is here." They both grinned and went to their usual meeting place. Marco brought his recorder, too. To play some music so they can waltz - it was the Princess's idea.

When they reached the place, they held each other's left hand. Star placed her right hand on Marco's shoulder; as for Marco, he placed his right hand on Star's waist. Slowly, they waltz as wonderful guitar music played from Marco's recorder. They were both smiling and Star slowly forgot the bad happenings that she experienced this day.

They laughed because of sudden thoughts (dude, I won't mention it but just think they're romantic) and then Marco swirled her. Star danced gracefully, and so did Marco. Later, they both looked up. They let out a gasp in fascination. It was red light. Only shining on the two of them.



They said it in unison.

"Our daughter's spending eternity with... A blacksmith?" The two teenagers turned around to look at a surprised King and Queen Butterfly. They walked away from each other and Star went near her parents. The two majesties shook their head - and poor Star Butterfly was wishing she could spend another hangout with her best friend again.

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