Chapter 8: Betrayal

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"YOU KNOW NOTHING OF MY FATHER!!!"  The man in white smiled "And what make you think you know him better than I? After all he did die before you even got to know him; but I knew him more...he was my brother in arms." James took a step back in surprise "Surprised are we...yes it is all true me and your father fought together in the great underworld war: Wolves vs Bats; but the idiot he was he fell in love with the enemy, Your mother he, deserved to die and ruined the very noble name Moon-Blood." James looked down and the tension in the room grew slowly and more heavily "YOU TAKE THAT BACK!!!" "Make me James...or are you like your father? Stupid and weak." A fist clashed against Gregory's face and sent him flying "YOU SHUT UP!!" blood rushed down Gregory's face and he smiled. Taking one step forward he laughed like a mad man just broke his sanity. "You hit like your mother, a vampire, weak and not effective." James rushed toward him and hit harder letting the rage flow in him like a river. Like night fall he skin turned black from feet to head, his eyes burned like fire, his hair turned full white, wings from his back opened reviling the dark red inside of the wing, teeth whiter than snow, sharper than needles was his teeth and nails. "What is this James? Finally got tired of playing around so your serious? Oh well...the fun has just begun!" He starts to take form his jaw unhinges and grows out and his face stretches to that of a wolf his bones break and reforms to that of a beast. Fur grows rapidly covering his entire body until no patches of skin except under his hand in left. A loud howl shook the room but James stood still not effected by it and cracked his neck on both sides then walked to Gregory slowly. The wolf sprinted and was across the room in seconds and before Gregory knew it his left front  leg had been cut by one of James's long nail that dripped a little blood from the tip onto the white floor staining it. The wound was deep and blood ran out forcing his to his weaker human form crying out in pain. "YOU SON OF A BITCH! YOUR GONNA PAY FOR THAT JAMES!!" James picked him up and pinned him to a wall cracking it with force and great pressure from Gregory's body, in calm voice James asks "Where are they?"  there was no reply from Gregory. James voice grew louder and deeper almost like a growl "Tell me where are they or so help me I will dismember you piece by piece, flesh by flesh, bone by TELL ME!" Flinching at his words Gregory puts up his hands in sign on surrender and says "OK, OK I'll talk..just put me down...please" James nods and does so then returns to his normal form with his red and black hair in his eyes. "They are with Arachne...she has them prisoner in hope you come and she captures you." James looks at him "So a giant spider lady has my friends?" Gregory nods quickly on part fear the other in desperation. "OK, thank you not then..take back what you said about my dad.." Greg sighs then says "I am sorry that..YOU EVER LIVED YOU UGLY UNWANTED CHILD!" Gregory grabs a shard of glass and stabs James in the back. He starts sprinting but James grabbed on of his throwing knives and threw it at the back of his head and the black paint came on the knife  and the silver blade covered in blood shined in the moon light. James sighed "People never learn." he takes the glass out and it heals the n walks up to his uncle and takes out the blade and closes the man's eyes "Sleep well uncle.."

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