Chapter 6: Finding Family

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James crumbles the letter in his hand "Damn it, Damn it, Damn it." he grabs his black scarf, gloves, jacket, and bow with arrows when shot open so no one can pull them out. Grabbing his quiver that holds 300 arrows strapping it to his back he makes sure it fits so it does not fall. He grabs the bow and puts it on his back; but to is surprise Fredrick come into the room "Sir your spea...what do you think you are doing James?" Half way out the window he replies "My friends are in trouble, I need to help them." He jumps out the window falling down the large tower the dark night blending him making him invisible he lands on the ground and breaks into a sprint through the ally ways rats around his feet scurry away leaving him in fear of being crushed by his feet. He increases his speed little by little until he goes full speed. Leaving the underworld he runs past a highway patrol officer with a speed radar and his speed on it was 150 mph. His eyes glowed with anger and he ran for ocean water jumping in he swims as fast as a speed boat. He swims for a long time until his energy is depleted and the water around him churns and bubbles. Trying to find the energy to swim he paddles really slowly and tentacles move around him and picks him up; but they don't harm him they just move him closer to the shoreline he was gunning for. he crawls up the sandy beach then his vision blurs and his mind goes blank. "Doctor I can't find his heart beat, and he is colder than ice." "Get his to trauma center 6 and prep him for my surgery." The doctors and nurses put James onto the bed and get his clothes off him and into patient clothes. "He's dehydrated give him some water now!" The doctor cuts his hands with a scaple by accident and the blood drips into his mouth. His heart beats slowly and his eyes pop open. "I am sorry." James bites his neck draining his blood to feed off of. James wipes his mouth and leaves with his clothes on after retrieving it from a clear plastic bag in his room to his left. He call to a taxi and asks him to take him to the Himalayan mountains. "I am sorry sir but I can drive you to the nearest town." nodding James agrees and the driver takes off toward the town. Speaking to him self "I hope you guys are ok, please be ok." The driver drops him off at the city and James thanks him and pays him human money and walks off and looks around, walking around the town he finds the pentagram he has seen that means a monster shop. Walking in he says in a low voice "Hello? Any one here?" A girl comes out with a snake tattoo on her left arm "Hi my name is Janette, how may I help you?" he walk up to the counter "hey um, do you have anything to help carry or hide this?" he points to his bow. "Actually we do sir, follow me." She walks down rows of items and grabs a small velvet bag and hands him it, "Here you go, this is our last one." "Thank you Janette." "Wait just a moment young lady." A old vampire comes out, "You will not sell that bag of space!" "But sir he..." The man cuts her off "I don't care what he wants you mortal That bag was my daughter's and now my grandson's" He looks at James staring at his eyes "My god it's you James, you have your mothers eyes and your father's face. You look so much like them, it's like they fused together." "Wait your my grandfather?" 

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