Chapter 5: Change Of Life

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James woke up with a jolt and rubs his sweating head "Oh another bad dream again...for the fifth time this week." He gets up and walks toward the bathroom grabbing a towel and turns on the shower and strips down after it gets warm and jumps in. Washing his hair he hums 'Animal I've became by Three Days Grace' and he hears the bathroom door open and close. "Who's there?" he calls but there was no reply so he continues to shower and silently Silhouette gets in and hides behind him. After rinsing the shampoo out he turns around and sees her, instantly she covers his mouth to silence him and presses her body against his. In a soft soothing tone she speaks "Shhh..don't say a word." in a soft reply he answers back "Silhouette what are you doing?" she leans in closing her eyes and as does James and they kiss. Gasping waking up James looks around "Not another dream like that, I can't believe I dream-pt of that again." For the past few week after Sil kissed his cheek James had the same dream of them kissing in the shower together; he gets up and showers and brushes his fangs trying to not think about the dream, disregarding how he feels about her. He was going to confess his feeling about her but before he did she left with Hazel and Alice to live somewhere else for an unknown reason but that was 3 years ago. Not a letter, text, or email; not even a single word just got up and left as if James was not real. He got used to it after a year but he was king he had to stay and rule as one even though he did not like it he dealt with is. Putting on his green shirt under his black and orange king robes and under is also is his black jeans and chain, the royal adviser Fredrick who he call "step-dad" because he acts like a annoying father like figure even though his trainer who he called "old man" was a father figure in the 4 months training. Walking out on a ledge monsters scream in joy in the past few years the underworld became a peaceful place that all monsters alike stood together in any case of panic they had each other's backs. Clearing his throat he call out "Monsters Of The Underworld as you may know I am James VanHellsing son of queen Jennifer VanHellsing and king Peter Moon-Blood, I may not be like them but; I will try my hardest. We the monsters of the underworld does not know fear as individuals but as a untied body." He breaths to release some nervousness "That is all and any requests will be handled with great decision if it benefits others in the underworld ." The crowed cheered and clapped  as he walks away wiping sweat from his forehead "Very good James." said Fredrick "Thanks." he replies back. Taking off the robe  he stretches yawing as his fangs are reviled from under his pink lips. A note was on his bed addressed to him, he picks it up and opens it and it read "Dear Mr VanHellsing, If you want your friends back come to the Himalayan mountain at the highest peck there my associate will take you to me show them this letter as proof that you are to be escorted to me and don't bring anyone your else. - Unknown friend." A snow flake fell from the letter gently and melted on the warm floor.  "I will get you guys back and that is a promise ."

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