JeanMarco - For Dummies

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The bell jingled, signaling a new customer. Marco looked over towards the door to find a man seemingly his age. He could tell the man was shorter than him. With shaggy blonde hair styled with an undercut, which he thought was adorable, and small caramel colored eyes- he couldn't deny the man was handsome. Smiling, he called out, "Welcome to Trost Bookstore, ask me if you need anything!"

The man jerked up and looked at him. He faulted a smile before nodding. "I will, thank you."

Marco watched as he hid behind a shelf. The man pulled a book out and looked at it for a few seconds before putting it back in its place. He accidentally dropped one and, in attempts to pick it up, hit his head on the shelf. Marco cringed at the sound and ran around the counter to help him. He found him sitting on the ground, rubbing his head. He bent down and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Sir, are you okay?" He asked.

Looking up, he stared at him a bit. He was practically gawking, face lit up in a bright blush. A few moments later he shook his head and cleared his throat. "Yeah, I just dropped this and I- well I just-"

Marco giggled again and nodded. "I saw." He said, picking up the book and handing it to him.

"Th- thanks." He said.

Marco gave a mini salute and stood up. "Tell me if you need anything else, alright?" He said, helping the man up.

"Yes, thank you."

Heading back to the counter, Marco glanced back to see the flustered customer staring at his /ahem/ rear. He smirked and went back to work. Everything went normal after that. The customer didn't drop anything else, neither did he ask for help. Soon enough, he had got his items ready and walked over to the counter. Handing him the stack he glanced away and looked at one of the shelves.

"Find everything you need today?" Marco asked while checking the items out.

The customer turned his head back to him and nodded. "Uh, yeah. I believe so."

Marco noted what was in the pile. The Old Man and the Sea, yes he enjoyed that one. The Giver, another classic. At the very bottom was something that surprised him. He held back the chuckle as he read the title. 'How to Ask a Guy Out: For Dummies.' Of course, the man was probably buying this for a friend, but the thought of him actually buying this made him smile.

Once everything was checked out, the man payed and left. Marco was able to get his name, though. It was Jean. He liked the way it flowed out of his mouth when he said it. Besides that, he never expected to see the man again. Well, aside from every Thursday from then on.

He'd do the same thing: Come in, buy a book, leave. Though Marco did catch him looking quite a few times, he shrugged it off. Maybe the guy didn't swing that way. It was a chilly winter's night. The store was closing early for the holidays. Though it was a Thursday, Jean never did show up. Marco missed the awkward man. He missed the company most of all.

After a long day at work, he sighed and locked the door. Turning around, he began to walk down the street. Each step caused the snow to crunch, music to his ears. He breathed out and watched his foggy breath rise into the night sky. Looking back down, he caught sight of Jean. He stopped and cocked his head.

"Jean, what are you doing out here?" He asked.

Jean walked forward and held out a book. His face was crimson as he said. "I read it. I finished reading it."

Marco looked at the title. 'How to Ask a Guy Out: For Dummies.' He smiled. "So, how was it? Learn anything?"

Jean cleared his throat and grabbed Marco's hand. Kissing it he said, "Shall I compare the to a summer's day. Marco you are the East and I, I am the West."

Marco couldn't handle it. He began to chuckle, which quickly turned into a full on laughing race. In between spurts he said, "Jean... You mixed up.... Frost and.... Shakespeare!"

Jean hid his face. "I'm sorry, I just wanted to ask you out. Damn it, I already messed up!"

Marco calmed down and looked back at Jean. He leaned in and pecked him on the lips. "Yes."

Wide eyed, Jean looked at him. He smirked and grabbed Marco's arm. "To the café?"

Marco giggled. "Oui!"

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