Jean x Reader - Skinny Dip

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It all started with a bet, and as usual, it had escalated from that. Jean was boasting about his ability to swim and how he could stay out longer than anyone else in the training corps. You, being the stubborn person that you are, challenged him to it. It had been Reiner, for some odd reason, who turned this from a swimming contest to a skinny dipping fiasco. So it had been settled, you and Jean would sneak out of camp, to the river and toss your clothes, then jump in the water. The first one to get out loses.

Sneaking out of camp had been easier than you had thought it would be. Neither of you were stopped or questioned. No one even gave you a second glance. You guessed it was luck. It was around two in the morning when you reached the river, and not a single civilian was outside. Perfect, now no one besides Jean would see you. You would be nervous, but since he was stripping too, you were sure he wouldn't look. You looked at him and nodded. Alright, time to start.

You slipped your shirt off and threw it to the side. He did the same. When you slipped off your night shirt, you gave him a stern look, as if to say "eyes off!" He understood, and the two of you turned the opposite direction and finished up. Once you were fully undressed, you ran into the water. You didn't stop until you were in chest-deep. He had taken a bit longer, but you decided to be courteous and look away as he headed towards the water. That didn't mean you weren't tempted. 

You heard the water splash and once it stopped you removed your hand and looked for him. You jumped  and hissed out a quick "shit!" making sure to cover your mouth afterwards, in embarrassment for being scared that fast, of course.

He smirked at you. "What's wrong, ready to lose already?"

You pouted. "Hell no, you're just really close that's all."

He grunted and took a couple of steps back. "Sorry."

"No problem." 

It was already getting cold. You hadn't planned for it to be freezing. You shivered and held your arms to your chest. Half covering them, half trying to warm up. It didn't take long for you to think about how stupid this was in actuality. Why did you even do this? To beat Jean at something? No, that wasn't the reason, you already knew. You liked this competitive guy, and thought that it sounded pretty fun. Well, it was turning back on you now.

He looked at you, seeming to be a bit worried. "You know, I think it'd be better if we got out, I don't want you to get hypothermia. We'll call it a tie, what do you saw?"

You shook your head. It'd already been ten minutes, and that would be ten minutes wasted if you quit now. No turning back. "I'm going to kick your butt, just watch." 

"Well alright then, don't say I didn't tell you."

You didn't know how much longer it was, but even Jean was shivering. You couldn't help it anymore, your legs were numb from the cold. Screw winning a stupid competition, you were going to get sick. "Jean, can we still call a tie?"

He feverishly nodded. "Hell yes, let's get out ASAP."

You raced to the shore, Jean being right beside you. Being as cold as you were, you didn't give two shits if Jean saw you, the most important thing was to get your clothes on and get back to camp before you froze to death. Once you reached the shore, you nearly yet out a scream, but Jean threw his hand over your mouth before you had the chance to. Your clothes were missing, as were his. Oh hell no. There, on the rock where you had tossed your shirt, was a note. You scanned over it and cursed aloud.

Have fun you two!

-Sasha & Connie

Why would they do something like this? Oh, yeah, that's right. When they had asked to join the contest you and Jean had shot them down faster than a bullet. Well, they had their payback, and you were scared shitless. "Jean, what are we going to do? It's freezing, and we have no clothes! We have to be back in camp in about two hours, we need to get going, what are we going to-"

"I heard you, I heard you. Calm down and let me think." He turned around and assumed a thinking posture, with his hand holding his chin while his other rested on his hip. You glanced down and got a glimpse of his ass. You smirked. It wasn't all that bad looking. He turned back, you quickly bringing your eyes back up. Neither of you looked down. "There's a house over there, right?"

You nodded. "But are we just going to appear on their doorstep, naked, asking for clothing?"

"Hell no, they'd get the attention of the Military Police or something. There's got to be a clothes line out there, and we can only hope they have a blanket or something big."

So the two of you ran to the nearest house, keeping in the shadows and hoping no one was awake and about. You had to snap at Jean a couple of times for letting his gaze drop to where you'd rather it not be. Finally, you reached one, and to your delight, out hung a good sized sheet. You made Jean run up and grab it, promising to keep your eyes shut the whole time. He came back minutes later and threw the sheet at you. Covering yourself up, you saved half of it and offered it to him. He got under it and covered himself up as well, and you began your trek back to camp.

No one found out, since you both arrived before anyone had woken up, and you had jumped into the showers first things first. The two of you were fully dressed and showered before anyone else had woken up. You had sworn to never mention it, after you had kicked Sasha and Connie's asses of course. Both of you denied it had ever happened, especially when you were stuck with a cold the very next week.


what the actual fuck is this 

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