Mike x Reader - Sweet (Part Two)

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You sighed and placed yet another candle in your drawer. It had been a month, and about ten different candles, since you first met the man running the candle shop. In all honesty, he was the only reason you would ever buy so many candles. Each and every one of them were picked out by him as well, so it's not like you could just get rid of them. They were important, and hey, you could give them to family members and friends for Christmas. 

You slipped of your shoes and threw them to the ground. Walking into to your room, you jumped on the bed and instantly fell asleep. Like almost every night, you dreamt, but this one was a little different.


"______, come on, you can't stop here!"

You were weak, and with your kneecap being shattered, you could barely move. Mike was trying to get you to move, but you just wouldn't. 

"______, please!"

"Mike, just go, I can't."

You couldn't even stand up, let alone control your gear. A rumble came from behind a large tree. Your cool exterior was washed away at the sight of the giant beast running at you. It waddled at high speed, giving a creepy grin and staring at you with it's soulless eyes. He had to go.

"Mike, leave here now! Get out of here please!"

He looked at you angrily. "How the hell could I do something like that? ______, I love you."

He zipped off in the direction of the creature, spinning around its shoulder and slicing at its neck. It fell to the ground immediately. He started to head back to you, but was suddenly slammed into a tree by another creature. You could only watch in horror as it peeled him off and swallowed him hole. You were sick and scared. This couldn't happen. This isn't real.

"Mike, no!" You screamed. 


You woke up in a sweat. A nightmare, it was only a nightmare. Thank goodness. Looking over at your clock, you noticed that it was half an hour until the candle shop closed down for the night. Nightmare or not, it has scared some sense into you. This was something you had to get done, now.

You jumped off you bed and ran into your bathroom, checking your hair and winking into the mirror before slipping on your shoes and running out the door. It was dark out, and cold as well. You wondered how you could have fallen asleep so early. 

You ran and ran, your feet meeting the ground for a mere second before they were off again. By the time you reached the candle shop you were breathing heavy and a little sweaty, but you didn't give it a second thought. Running in, you noticed that there were no other costumers there, and that Mike was seemingly preparing to close up. He looked up at you questionably. "______, is everything alright?"

You shook your head. "No, Mike, I love you."

His face softened. You ran up to him and wrapped your arm around his neck, smashing your lips against his. His rough fingers brushed your (h/c) locks as he kissed you back. Pulling apart to catch your breath, you looked at him and smiled.

He cleared his throat. "_______, you should have mentioned this earlier. Why now, though."

"No reason," You hugged him again, "No reason at all."



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