The Third Degree

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The ride over to Moon Lake takes about ten minutes. As soon as Dee turns onto that old dirt road, all thoughts of boys are out of my mind. I am now with my true love; nature. I press the button that  opens my window all the way down, and stick my head outside. I take a deep breath and inhale that amazingly fresh country air. The smell of wood, trees and rain consumes me all at once. The outdoors have always been my escape. That's probably why I love Moon Lake so much. My thoughts are interrupted by the buzz of a cellphone. I check mine, but to my disappointment, i's Dee's phone who's dinging not mine. I hear Dee squeal so I know that it was Justin who had just texted her. I tell her to put the phone down, because she's driving and it's dangerous. Dee sets her phone down and I reach for the radio dial, and I turn up the Country. As soon as we get to our cottage, I run to my butterfly themed bedroom and I start settling in. I fold my clothes that I brought with me, and place them into my dresser.  I hear a knock ay my bedroom door, and I scream for her to come in. Dee enters the room and takes a seat on my bed. Dee announces that we were going back into town. "Justin is coming over tonight, so we need to go and get snacks. I think he's bringing a friend and his two younger brothers. Theres Justin, Tyler and you met Mason in town right?"Dee sputters.I can tell she's excited.

"Umm ya, sort of." I respond.

I feel out of my mind. Mason was coming over to our cottage? Tonight? My heart is  literally flying inside of me. Dee grabs a light cashmere sweater, and I grab my Aviators. Dee hops back into her truck, with me in the tailgate again. This time by choice. I need some alone time to think about this whole Mason situation. My best friend Lara-May had had a boyfriend last year. His name was Nick and her and him were really serious. Too serious. Things happened between them and than he left her. Lara-May was crushed, and I don't know Mason that well, but I know I don't want that happening to me. My mind is totally made up. Mason just has to be my friend. "Mel! We're here! Stop thinking and get out of the truck!" my sister jokes. "I'm coming," I say.

I hop out, and close the tailgate behind me. When we enter the grocery store, there is hardly anyone in there. There never seems to be. Probably because it's such a small town. "Kay," Dee says handing me a shopping list, "this is for you. Go find the first three items, I can get the rest."

I take one look at my list and I know this is going to be a fun night. All dressed chips, 3 packs of Lemon flavoured Sanpelligreno, and BBQ wings. Where is the chip section? I ask myself as I frantically ran through isle after isle. I turn the corner and see, none other then Mason. I light up immediately, but I quickly hesitate with the knowledge that I wasn't wearing any of my makeup yet. I attempt to get another look at him, and I see her. She has long red hair and blue eyes. She was gorgeous. Her and Mason could be Beach babe styled Ken and Barbie. My heart sank. How could I be so stupid not to think such a hottie like Mason didn't have a girlfriend. I thought. Suddenly tonight doesn't seem like it's going to be so fun afterall. Could this girl be the friend the boys were bringing over tonight? I certainly hope not. I take one last peek over my shoulder in attempt to see her perfectly constructed face, but instead turn around to be face to face with an elderly woman in a floral sweater. "Pay closer attention deary, or next time the stranger will bite back!"She cackles as she walks away.

Whatever that meant, she was gone as soon as she came. Dee grabs my shoulder and I jump 10 feet in the air. Well close to that anyways. "Dude, chillax. Let's go." she says calmly. I grab my chips, BBQ wings, and Sanpelligreno's,  and  and I head to the counter.

Thoughts are swirling around in my head. I know earlier I agreed to myself that Mason and I would be just friends, but I'm not so sure. And what about the red head  I just saw him with? Just in case, I grab a tube of mascara in the checkout isle and place it by the cash register along with the snacks. What's the harm in looking good, right?

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