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"Hey Dee!" I say, "when your done, can you check your purse to see if you have any band aids?" Dee looks over at me and tells me she hasn't brought any band aids up with her. That's when Mason places his hand on my arm and says, "I have some stuff in the shop if you want to get your arm all fixed up." I nodded and smiled. Mason and I both reach for the door handle,  and a jolt of excitement runs up my spine as I accidentally grab his hand instead. Mason laughs and held the door open and gestures me to enter. I smile and do as I was told. "Sit here!" Mason announces as he points to the check out  counter, "I have to go change my shirt, I have grease stains all over it from work earlier and I don't want to risk getting any on you."

I smile and watch as he walks behind the employee door. I still can't get over his gorgeous face. I look over my shoulder and see him through the glass employee door window. His shirt is off and he 's  putting on a dark grey t-shirt. He is so muscular. It seems as if everything about him is perfection. His shoulders are bold and toned, and his abs are perfectly sculpted and natural.  He is the kind of guy that would walk into a room full of people and everybody would stop what they were doing, just to get a good look at him. The kind of guy that didn't have to make himself more attractive, because he knew how good he looked. He looks over and sees me staring at him. I immediately turn red and quickly look away. I can tell he is amused by this, because of the way he smiles at the situation. He reappears by the counter with a First Aid box in his hands. He opens it and and grabs a white tube of polysporin. I watch as he carefully undoes the lid, and puts some on his ring finger.

I hear his voice say, "This might sting a little. You can grab my other hand if it helps." Thoughts are running through my mind. I assumed he would just hand me the polysporin! Now he's putting it on my arm? He wants me to hold his hand? He tucks by hair behind my ear so that it is no longer in the way of my wound and begins to apply the polysporin. It stings more than I thought it would, and I find myself clutching onto his hand. As soon as he stops, I immediately let go of his hand. I find myself longing to be in his warm, clutch again. It is over just as soon as it began. Mason laughs. "I don't even know your name and I'm rubbing you with polysporin!"

"Thanks, you didn't have to do that!" I reply. "No, its fine, really." He answers. He left the room with the little plastic First Aid kit and goes into the storage area and puts it back on the shelf.  He walks back into the room, and I am sitting in silence just staring at the floor, progressing what just happened. I look at him waiting for what would happen next when he teases, "What? Are you waiting for me to kiss it better?" I can feel myself turn red again. "Here, let me help you off." Mason says offering his hand to help me get down. I tell him I can get down by myself. When he asks if I was sure, I reassure him I am.  I hold the door for him and I blush as he flashes me another one of those smiles. "Ready to go Dee?" I ask patiently when I see my sister.

She must not hear me, because she doesn't even look over from Justin's gaze and the next thing I know Mason is in front of me. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! You haven't even told me your name!" he cries. I smile and say "Mel. What's yours?" I ask his name even tho I already know. He responds, "Mason. So I'll see you around? I work at the repair show a quarter a mile down from here. Come by anytime." I feel so happy! It's like this rush of adrenaline that can't be tamed. Was he really inviting me to come and see him? "Kk! See ya around!" I turn and walk towards Dee. The smile leaves my face. Kk? I think to myself,. Like who says that?  I look around and I can't find Dee anywhere. I walk towards her truck, but she isn't there. I begin to worry as I walk towards the back of 'Shays." When I turn the corner of the store, I find Dee and Justin kissing. They break apart and stare awkwardly at me. "Whoops! Sorry! Dee it's getting late we should head to the cottage," I stumble. Dee hugs Justin good-bye and hands me the keys to her car. I walk ahead of her and press the unlock button, and the car beeps open. I hop into the front seat and watch as Dee piles into the drivers seat next to me. She starts the car, and the Pop music radio is on. I switch stations over to the Country station, and Dee doesn't even try to change it. After her kissing a Country boy, I'm pretty sure thoughts of what Lou,  April and Ivy thought, were out of her mind.

Summer On Moon Lake Book 1.Where stories live. Discover now