The Barn in the Back

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Sarah's POV:
Jareth's 'death' shook me, as anyone who has experienced death should know. I needed to do something when he died, so for the few days I thought he was, I dived into planning our wedding. Of course, I had a small hope in the back of my head that he wasn't dead. I got lucky.

I didn't know how Jareth planned on taking us back to the Underground by car but he seemed set on what he was doing, and I knew not to talk to some men while they were driving. Something about not liking to be told directions or whatever. I didn't understand.

You can talk to me Sarah.

You looked focused.

I am. But not to much to forget about you. He looked back at my dad. He was listening to The Four Seasons on his phone. Hip, old guy.

We pulled up to a stoplight and Jareth kissed my forehead and then the bridge of my nose and then once on my lips. I gripped his arm-as he held my head-to make sure he really was there. Sometimes I loved him so much I wasn't sure it was real.

My dad must've looked up, because he 'ahemmed' and we both looked forward. The light was green.

*Fast Forward*

I led Jareth and my father through the Labyrinth to get to the barn. It was at the 'back' of the giant walled-in part of it, and there was plenty of room, even after the goblins built the barn.

Jareth and I explained everything to my dad. For someone with a relatively small imagination, he took all of the information in stride. I suppose there wasn't much else that would surprise him today.

The barn wasn't some cheesy thing out of an 80s farming movie. Big and red and whatnot. I had it built in an almost mirror image of the barn on Glee where Blaine, Kurt, Brittany, and Santana got married. Two gays, two lesbos. Even though the show was geared towards teenagers, and when the show started I was 18, I still watched the whole thing.

The inside was empty. I didn't go to such extremes as to decorate everything. But I had planned to decorate it the same as Glee. Little white Christmas lights everywhere, and people, or goblins mostly in this case, could sit upstairs or downstairs, the aisle I would walk down would later be the dance floor as everyone moved their chairs after. The alter would be raised wood on top of hay, and would be surround by little church bells, and pink flowers.

There was to be flowy, white curtain-like things wrapped around each pole that was holding up the upper layer of the barn. I loved it.

It's amazing. Sarah this is really, really. . .Wow. Thank you.

"Well this is really something isn't it." We turned around. Rega! I forgot about her.

"Hello Rega."

"Hello Mother."

"Hello, I don't believe we've met," My dad joked. I laughed. I should maybe introduce the parents.

"Rega this is my father Mark. Can you show him where he is staying for a few days. Please!" I was a little urgent to get them out. I wanted to talk to Jareth alone. He had an opinion on this stuff too, not just me.

He lowered his arm to my shoulder and I reached up to his, and with him being a few inches taller than me, this was slightly difficult.

We wandered around the barn, pausing once in a while for Jareth to stop and look at things.

I must have looked up at him for 5 minutes before he looked at me. There was a tenderness in his eyes I had never seen before, even when he looked at me.

"I love you." He breathed it out, like saying it any harder would break either one of us.

I was breathing hard. This felt surreal. It was actually happening. I was going to marry Jareth. Breathe in. Breath out. Over and over.

Suddenly, but not unexpected, Jareth wrapped his arms around my waist, and mine went to his neck. We just stood there, behind a few barrels of hay.

We swayed for a little while, listening to the music that played in our heads. And then, with me being clumsy me, I tripped over what seemed like nothing.

I landed on Jareth's stomach, our arms still in the same place. I was cracking up. This was so typical of me.

Then I kissed Jareth. Lightly at first, in between laughs from both of us. Then the kisses deepened, and the laughing stopped. It meant more than the usual quick kisses we had.

One hand slid to Jareth's neck, and into his hair. I wish it was as long as it it had been when I first met him, but there wasn't anything I could do about it, and I still loved it.

His lips moved from mine and and I moaned. I tried to reach back, but he made a trail my chin, my neck, my collarbone.

My other hand moved down to wrap around his back, and my nails dug in a little. He gasped against my collarbone, and kept going.

Then his hands moved down my body, slowly unbuttoning each button.

I grabbed his shoulders and looked him in the eyes. He could tell without me saying it.

We haven't gone this far yet, and we're on the floor, in a barn.

I nodded. He moved his hands down farther, and I helped him slip it off. He took his own shirt off, and threw it to the side with a flourish. I smirked.

He leaned down and placed his hands on my waist. I continued kissing him.

I love you.

I love you.

The door opened. Not the one on our end, but the other one.

Someone was slow clapping. "Well. Wasn't. That. Steamy."
I am the worst author on the planet I am so sorry I haven't updated in weeks so I gave you this. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.

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