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My chapters would be short and fast-paced. Please do understand. Thank you.


" MELISSA! GET THE FUCK DOWN HERE YOU STUPID BITCH!" my sister screamed downstairs making me cringe. I immediately got off my bed and went directly to the bathroom.

My "bathroom" consists of a shower head and a space only intended for one person. There is a small wood on the side perched on the wall containing a shampoo and some soap. The four sides of the bathroom is made of wood and there are little spaces between them. If someone tries to peek right now, which I highly doubt, they could see me in all my naked glory.

But that's beside the point. I should hurry up so princess outside (note the sarcasm) doesn't wait too long.

Without realizing it, I'm done with taking a bath. I went to my closet and picked out my clothes for today. There's not a lot. Only 3 pairs of baggy pants and 5 really worn out shirts, a couple of hoodies and 3 pairs of shoes. I wear these repeatedly at school so there's no way I could forget that.

 I put on my underwear then my baggy pants. I don't think it could get any baggier that it is already. I decided to wear my favorite black shirt - not that there's a lot of choices - and a jacket. It's easier to hide the bruises this way. I made my movements quick and before I know it I was at the door and turning and pulling the knob.

I was welcomed, however, by the slap  my sister gave me. Ah! It's still so early and I already have my welcome. Great!


Shit! I knew it. I should have seen it coming. It's an everyday routine. I should get use to it already. It still surprises me though. I could feel the stinging on my left cheek and swore that I have a hand imprinted on it. My sister could slap. I need to give her that.


She shouted. Geez dude. We're only like what? Five meters. No scratch that. It is twenty meters. She joined it with a few kicks and punches here and there. And I'm not going to lie, it hurts like a bitch! She left me there with one last punch to my jaw and walked away. Go fucking away. I have some broken ribs and am left like a bloody mess on the floor. My shirt is stained with small drops of blood that came from my previous wounds that has reopened.

What a great way to start my day! -_- Note the sarcasm.

Even with difficulty, I slowly raised myself  from the floor and limped my way to the kitchen. I made the pack its breakfast and quickly left for my room to change my bloodied clothes.


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