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The next morning I'm woken by something hitting ground. I bolt upright and shake Landon. "Landon," I whisper yell.

"What?" He mumbles.

"I heard something at the front door. Can you check it out?" He bolts upright and his eyes widen. "Do you think it's your Ex?"

I shrug.

Landon and I climb out of bed. I put some slippers on and make my way to the kids bedroom. I enter the room and see the curtain move aside from the breeze outside. I move toward to the window and see it's open.

I didn't leave that open.

I shut the window and out the deadbolt on it. I look at the sleeping form of my girls and a smile spreads across my face.

Those girls are my reason for living. I touch my belly. This little one too.

I make my way quietly out of the bedroom. I walk down the stairs and see Landon with something in his arms. "What do you have there?"

Landon holds up a doll and its face has been punched him and cut. He holds a piece of paper in the palm of his hands and I take it from him.

Roses are red
Violets are blue
This is your husbands face,
If he doesn't return you to me.

My mouth drops open and I start to shake in fear. Landon rises and moves over to me. He wraps his arms around me. He lifts my chin. "Why are you afraid of him."

I look away from him. "In High School, he was called slasher. He got into a fight one day and he brought knives into the fight and cut some guys face. I didn't believe the rumours. But, when I started to believe it. It was too late for me to leave him. I was pregnant with Abi. The best thing Benson ever did was fake his death. It's a shame that me taking back my kid made him make an appearance."

He wraps his arms around me. "Don't be afraid of him, Mikayla. I've seen you fight against the impossible and you keep rising like a Phoenix from ashes."

I sigh. "Your right. I need to train with Blayze some more."

"Are you sure about that?"

I nod. "I won't overdo it. I want him to teach me things that I can do while I'm pregnant. I don't want to put our unborn child in harms way."

Landon picks me up bridal style and carries me to bed. He puts me on the bed and climbs on top of me. "I love you, Mikayla Harrison."

I smile. I brush my lips against his ear as I whisper. "I love you too, Landon Parker." He begins to shiver as I move my hand up his chest and over his six-pack.

Landon moves his hand up my waist and he grabs the hem of my shirt and he pulls it I've my head. He pops a nipple into his mouth and starts sucking. He moves his hands the waistband of my boxers and he removes it with my boy short. He quickly strips his off.

I feel his erection at my entrance. He moves his right hand down my body and he thrusts two fingers into my core. I throw my head back and moan. "Landon," he pops the breast out of his mouth and he kisses me.

I return the kiss and move my lower half on his fingers taking him in further. I start to shake as I feel an orgasm coming.

He removes his fingers from my core and he places it with cock. He enters me slowly and I wrap my arms around his neck. He thrusts in and out of me.

"Landon," I moan.

He kisses my temple and puts his index finger to my lips. "Shhh, you don't want to wake the kids."

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