Chapter 2

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As the 7 students have left the office they head down the hall and just as they turn the corner we hear a voice pipe up "Well that was unexpected." This being Pinkie Pie being the first one to say something about the events that just happened. "So on one hand you have us your friends who you originally tried to take over and use us to take over the world you came from on the other hand you have the land you came from that you wanted to take over and where originally banished from?"

No sooner does she finish this recap we here a southern voice scream. "PINKIE!"

Applejack did not like that Pinkie was not tactful about the events that have happened over the last few years.

As everyone looked over to Pinkie Sunset spoke up in her defense. "It's ok. She is right. Truthfully because of how you all have treated me recently I kind of chose to brush it off. But you know what, I need to remember all of this. It is part of what made me who I am."

As she finished the proper voice of Rarity came in. "But darling. Even with all you may have done bad, you need to remember all the good you have done too."

Next to speak up was action star Rainbow Dash. "Yeah. Like the battle of the bands with the Sirens."

No sooner did RD finish Twilight chimed in. "And don't forget. If not for you I may have destroyed the school when I when mad with power."

The comments brought a small smile to Sunset's face. "And we are all your friends now and have already forgiven you for all of the other things." Came the shy voice of Fluttershy.

"Even with all the good and bad I have done. And even if you all may have forgiven me. I am still not sure I have fully forgiven myself." At this point she began to remember the things she did to Princess Celestia and to Twilight Sparkle from Equestria. True she has become friends with Twilight sense the events with the crown, but in the back of her mind was always a little hint of doubt of if they could be true friends when she had so much to do as a Princess. And what about Princess Celestia. Has she forgiven me for all I've done the thought flowed in to her mind.

"I just know one thing right now. I need time to think. This is not something I can decide in a matter of a day."

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