Chapter 5

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So they head over to Applejack's place this time for the sleep over. They decided that having it at Pinkie's this time may be a little crowded and AJ having a bigger place might work better with the number of people they were hosting. They explained to Granny Smith that the two Twilights were twins to keep from any confusion, or having to explain too much.

"Wow AJ, it's been a while sense I was here last." Said Rainbow. "I don't remember a lot of these posters."

"Well RD. Things change over time, and while we were having our little fight I changed a little too. But I am still the same country girl I have always been."

Happy to hear this, the gang starts to head to the barn that AJ had Big Mac help clean up and put some sleeping bags in for the group.

"A camp out SLUMBER PARTY!" The excitement from Pinkie could not be contained any longer at this point. "This is sooooooo coool! We can make s'mores tell ghost stories and stay up AALLLLLL NIGHT!"

"Pinkie dear. This is not just for fun. We are trying to help our friend decide on something too. Remember?" Came the calm and reasonable voice of Rarity.

"Please, let's still have some of the s'mores, if that's ok?" Came the always quiet Fluttershy.

"Of course, we can have s'mores." Sunset said. "It's not like we can't have fun and talk at the same time."

"I'm up for that." Came the human Twilight and Princess Twilight at the same time. This caused the two of them to break into laughter, realizing they had the same thought at the same time.

Poor Starlight still feeling like an outcast and not sure how she could contribute sat in the corner just kind of keeping to herself.

Dragon Spike realized this and went over to her to try and comfort her and give her someone to talk too.

"What's wrong Starlight?" Asked Dragon Spike with real concern.

"Well, I just don't understand all of this. They say that this is a big choice. They say all these things. Yet they don't spend a lot of time together." Stated Starlight still confused on how different the Human versions of those she had come to call friends in Equestria were yet how similar they were as well.

"I don't know. Maybe I should have stayed in Equestria. I just can't get used to these "legs and hands". Why did she ask me to come along?"

"I think she asked you to come along to show you how different friends can get along, even without talking or seeing each other for a while." Answered Dragon Spike without any hesitation. He had been with Princess Twilight for so long it was almost like he could read her mind and know what she was thinking.

This thought did bring some ease to Starlight allowing her to feel a little less awkward in the situation and have some fun even if just a little.

Sunset came up to her. "So you are from Equestria too? So am I. I originally came from there." She sits down next to Starlight and has a short chat talking about a few things. "Truth is, when I left Equestria it was not under the best of circumstances. I was mad that I was strong but nopony would acknowledge this and give me "what I deserved". Truth is I was wrong. I was not strong. It was Princess Twilight and her friends that helped me to see that. I was weak and yet even after everything I did to them, they choice to except me."

"Really?" Starlight responded in shock. The fact that there stories where so similar. She never thought that somepony else could have had such a life of hardships. And yet the same group of friends saved her from her own darkness.

"I can actually understand more than you know, Sunset." Responded Starlight. "I had a similar experience. I thought that Cutie Marks where wrong. And that they would keep everyone apart. Than Princess Twilight and her friends stopped my plans to take away all the cutie marks in the world. Believing that they were wrong and I was right I decided to alter a spell and travel back in time and stop them from becoming friends. Well let's just say changing the past is not a good idea."

After Starlight finished her comment Sunset kind of stunned at first started to laugh.

"What's so funny?" Asked Starlight almost annoyed.

"Sorry sorry. Just the thought that someone other than myself tried to take over the world just in a different way." Replied Sunset starting to catch her breath. "Really. I thought I was the only one. Now I see more than ever how having friends can change things. "

No sooner did she finish her explanation the two of them looked at each other and both began to laugh at how silly there original plans to take over Equestria is also the same thing that brought them the friends they have now.

Just moments later the slumber party kicked off into full swing.

Pinkie was playing music while the girls talked and laughed into the night.

Princess Twilight telling them tonight should be more about hanging out together. After they go and look at the school we can talk more about the rest.

Applejack had made Apple Fritters and some fresh Apple Cider for everyone. And even now Starlight and Human Twilight where starting to feel a little more open to being part of the group.

Even the odd lightning storm outside did not ruin their fun except for freaking Fluttershy out till Rarity was able to calm her down.

As the night went on the girls talked and had fun.

Rarity did make overs for Starlight and Human Twilight.

And they tried to have a good time before calling it a night.

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