Chapter 12

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Back in Equestria Rarity and Pinkie Pie where just arriving at the Crystal Kingdom. Just as they arrived they are greeted by the Royal family of Shining Armor, Princess Cadence, and Flurry Heart.

"Why hello girls. You have come to visit at a really bad time I am afraid." Cadence spoke first. "I wish this could be a happier greeting but you see. We are evacuating everypony out of the kingdom." The reason being that the weather had become unpredictable and even the Crystal Heart was not able to hold it back anymore.

"I wish I could say this was a simple visit." Rarity responded to Cadence. "Truth is. We are trying to find Sun Burst. We think that he may be able to help."

"Yeah so, any idea where he might be right now?" Pinkie spoke up. She was originally distracted by the cute little Alicorn princess Flurry Heart." Shining responded. "He said he was going to stay behind and look for a book that may have a solution to the problem."

Before he could finish Pinkie had taken off at full sprint to the castle

"Sun Burst is still back at the castle, he believes that he may be able to find what is causing this magic imbalance." Shining finally finished his statement to Rarity.

"Thank you so much dear." Rarity responded. "Now you and your family should get going. The rest of the gang is in Canterlot. I would suggest heading there, and meet up with the others and the other princesses."

"That sounds like a good idea. But Twilight would never let me hear the end of it if I let you two go of on your own." Shining said quickly. "Cadence, take Flurry Heart and head to Canterlot. I am sure you will be safer there, and the princesses together will help bring peace of mind to all of Equestria. I am going with Pinkie and Rarity to the castle. I am sure we will be able to find Sun Burst faster if we work together. After that we will join you at the castle in Canterlot."

"But....." Before Cadence even had a chance to try and argue. "No buts; we will be ok. It will be better if you are all together. We will be there soon honey. Please. If not for me do it for our child." Looking down at Flurry; Cadence could not argue anymore. "Ok Shining. You had better be quick about it, and get there soon."

"That's a promise." He gave both Cadence and Flurry a quick kiss and him a Rarity proceeded to catch up to Pinkie Pie as fast as they could. "Let's get to the castle and hope Sun Burst has found something by now." The three of them galloped at full speed to the castle in the hopes that they may finally be able to fix this problem.

The two unicorns where not able to catch up to Pinkie till the three of them meet up at the castle doors. "Come on you slow pokes. We have to hurry." Just as Pinkie rushed to the doors they came swinging open and standing there was Sunburst rushing out the doors almost hitting Pinkie in the face. "I've found it!" He exclaimed just than noticing the three ponies standing in front of him. "Shining Armor, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie. What are you doing here?"

Just than Pinkie regained herself. "We are here to get you." "Yes dear. We figured if anypony would know what was happening, or know how to fix it, that it would be you." Rarity continued.

"Me? Well I do have an idea on what is happening and how to fix it as you said, but why would you think that?" Sunburst asked of the two.

"After what happened during Flurry Heart's Crystaling, do you have to ask?" Pinkie said confused to why he was surprised.

"It's true Sunburst. You know more about magic than most. Even more than my sister may." Shining jumped in. Just than the weather got even more intense.

"Maybe we should continue this back at Canterlot with the princesses so we can solve this problem." Pinkie proposed as the wind and snow got stronger. "That would be a good idea dear." Rarity agreed. The two stallions also agreed and they headed to the train station just in time to catch the last train leaving the Crystal Kingdom and heading to Canterlot. "We will hear it all when we get to Canterlot, so that hopefully we can solve this problem fast." Rarity said to the group as the train left.

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