Chapter 17

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The group arrives at the campus of CHS to discover most of the school overrun by vines from the Everfree forest in Equestria.

"This is crazy!" Came Human Twilight as they pulled up.

"How can this be happening?" Asked Fluttershy.

"We have to get to the portal and fast. Things seem to be getting worse by the minute." Princess Twilight said with a sense of urgency in her voice.

"We will have to use our magic to clear the vines away. After that I can use my magic to help seal the rifts that are opened around the school." Daydream was willing to push herself if it meant saving everyone. "Please open the book and let them know on the other side that we have arrived at the portal. We need to know is there anything we need to do once they are on the other side to close the portal."

"Understood." Silver opened the book, just in time to see a new message coming from Sunburst.

"Please hurry. Things over here are getting incredibly worse by the second. The magic we have protecting the castle won't last much longer."

"Um looks like we need to hurry guys." Silver informed them. "Sunburst is there anything we need to do once Princess Twilight and the others go through?"

"No. Once they come through we will shut the portal on our side which should close both sides. Magic like this book should still work but for the most part magic should start to regain balance after they travel back here."

"Ok Sunburst. I will pass it on." Silver responded.

"That is all. This is the last time I can communicate till they are back. We must put the book back to restabilize the portal so they can return so we will no longer be able to communicate again please hurry." Sunburst made sure to inform them of how imperative the nature of everything before shutting the book.

"Ok. We really need to hurry." Silver let them know. "Sunset and I will stay back as to not get in the way. You lot make sure to be safe and get the job done."

"Right!" Came the response from everyone else. As they jumped out the remaining 6 felt a surge go through them. It was the magic within them. Even without transforming into their pony forms the magic weld up within them.

"Ok girls. We all got work to do." Applejack leading the charge for the remains 6. "Rainbow, you and Twilight work on clearing a path with Daydream. Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, you two make sure that if anyone is around that we keep them safe and out of harm's way. Me and Rarity will move Princess Twilight and Starlight towards the portal and cover the rear to make sure we don't get overrun by the vines as they are cleared out. Ok girls let's do it."

Everyone in unison "YEAH!"

The group jumped out of the van and proceeded to the CHS statue that housed the portal. Clearing away vine after vine, while holding back more as the try to regrow to stop them. As they got closer to the portal the vines got thicker, as if they were aware of what was going on and were trying to stop them.

"We can do this all!" Shouted Daydream. "Work together and push them back."

The group worked hard finally pushing back the last bit of vines, and working their way to the portal finally reaching their goal. Once at the portal they noticed that no vines had surrounded the portal its self. This worked to their advantage. "Ok time for final goodbyes." Human Twilight said upset she never really had a chance to talk more with her Pony self.

"I'm going to miss you girls." Princess Twilight started.

"This is not goodbye forever dear. I am sure you will be able to return one day." Rarity said trying her hardest to hold back her true feelings while giving a big hug to Dragon Spike.

"Yeah. You still have to come back one day and show me just how good you really are." Rainbow said in her normal confident manner.

"Ah, I'm no good at goodbyes. So let's just say see you next time Sugar Cube." Applejack said, coming close to losing it.

Fluttershy was trying hard to hold back her tears, and for the most part failing. "You were the one...... Who brought us all back together.....? And now we may not see you again....." She lost it at that point Pinkie jumped in to try and finish for her. "What I believe she is trying to say is we will miss you till you come back. So please come back soon." As soon as she finished she joined in with Fluttershy crying.

"Well. I guess it is our turn?" Daydream said not really wanting to say goodbye to her first true friend. "Hey we can always talk using the book."

"Yeah. Even if we can't see each other, we can always talk." Princess Twilight responded. "So you better keep in touch." She said this to try and help hold her tears.

"Yeah I will. Count on that." Daydream said as she gave her a big hug. As soon as she gave her the hug the rest of the group joined in for one big hug to say their final goodbyes. At this point the vines began to creep in on the girls.

"Um I think we may have overstayed our welcome Twilight?" Starlight said with fear in her voice. "I think we need to go."

"I think she may be right!" Daydream said as she put another she'll to try and push back the vines. It worked, but was not enough to hold them back for good. "Twilight it has been fun, and one day when the portal can be reopened, make sure you come back." Starlight and Spike jumped through the portal.

"I will Daydream. That's a promise!" She said as she stepped through the portal as well.

"Safe travels, and you better keep that promise." Daydream said as she saw her friend go through the portal.

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