Chapter 19

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As the princesses have their meeting, Sunset sits outside waiting. The meeting is concluded and the princesses exit the chamber for the meeting. First was Celestia and Luna who headed down to Celestia's chambers. Than Cadence came out and headed to meet up with Shining before the two headed home. Finally Twilight came out and met up with Sunset.

"So how did everything go?" Sunset asked a bit afraid.

"Things went ok. We know what areas the most need help." Twilight responded to her. "We will be doing a lot for the next few moons."

"Did Celestia say anything else?" Sunset was a bit afraid to ask.

"Just that she would like to see you in a little bit." This worried Sunset even

As Sunset and Twilight walk down the halls of Canterlot Castle, all Sunset could think about is all the things she had done to her former teacher.

"Twilight?" Sunset finally breaking the silence. "Do you think Celestia will accept my apology?"

"Truthfully, that is something only she can answer." Twilight responded. "But if you an honest, I believe your feelings will get through to her."

This did not do much to put Sunset's mind at ease, but she knew that what Twilight said was the truth. Shortly after this they arrived at Celestia's chambers as Princess Luna was leaving them. "Ah, young Sunset. She is waiting for you." Luna told her.

Sunset built up all her courage, and entered the chamber of her old teacher to find Celestia looking out on the night sky. Once she entered she waited a minute, but Celestia did not turn around. Sunset began to talk.

"Hello Princess. I know I have caused you much trouble." Sunset continued. "It was I who ran away and wouldn't listen when you told me of friendship. It was I who came and stole the element of Magic and tried to come back to take over Equestria. I brought magic to a world that had none and almost destroyed not one but both worlds." As she continued tears began to well up in her eyes. "I am sure I have caused you so much pain that I can't even imagine."

Celestia still looking out at the sky, just continued to listen to her once pupil.

"No matter what I have done, I am so sorry. I know I probably do not deserve it, but if you can find it in your heart, please, please......"

Just as she was about to break into full blown out tears, to her surprise, she is grabbed by her teacher and pulled in to a close embrace. "Sunset, no I cannot forgive you." Celestia began. "For you see, there is nothing to forgive. If anything this was my fault for not seeing what I was doing to you by keeping you her in the castle. It was I who did not understand the true meaning of having friends and did not show that to you. So, if anypony needs to ask for forgiveness it is I." Celestia still holding on to her old pupil. "Maybe if I had come after you than or even tried to show you the true meaning of what friendship is, than perhaps all of this may have been avoided in the first place. So, my dear sweet child. Don't blame yourself, not even once, please always remember I am proud of you."

At this point Sunset was crying out of happiness to be welcomed back by her old teacher.

Outside the door was Twilight and Luna. "I see my sister has welcomed her back." Luna said to Twilight. "I am glad. As somepony who knows better than most, forgiveness is not something that can be given by others till one forgives themselves."

"I couldn't agree any more than that." Twilight responded to Luna. "Now she has gotten passed this step, now comes the hardest test for her, to forgive herself. I hope she can." Twilight and Luna walked down the hallway away from Celestia's chambers leaving the two of them to talk and try and catch up.

"Let us hope she is able to young Twilight; let us hope so."

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