Chapter 14

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As we return to Equestria we find the train from the Crystal Kingdom has already arrived and the four ponies, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Shining Armor, and Sunburst are racing to the castle to meet the Princesses.

"Are you sure about what you told us dear?" Rarity asked to Sunburst.

"Positive!" Sunburst responded quickly. "It is the only way.

"Oh. Twili is not going to like this." Shining stated just as they got to the castle.

"Hey, did anypony else notice that the weather here is not as bad as outside?" Pinkie asked now able to take a moment to look. Sure enough, the weather around the castle was still bad, but by no means anywhere as bad as the weather outside.

"Peculiar? Could it have something to do with the Princesses being here together?" Sunburst inquired. "But even that much magic should not be able to hold back the weather."

"Well let's head inside and find out what is going on dears." Rarity voice rang true. They all headed inside the castle, and to their surprise, it was not the princesses holding back the weather. No, it was none other than Discord, the master of chaos doing his best to keep everything to a point where they could try and save Equestria.

"DISCORD!" The sound of Pinkie Pie and Rarity in shock rang throughout the halls.

"I know, he is doing such a good job." The voice of Fluttershy came up. "He realized that due to the imbalance, he was able to bring some order out of chaos."

"The chaos of chaos, is order." Discord stated. "Who would have thought that I the ruler of chaos would be able to bring order to chaos? Odd huh?"

At that point, in walks the three princesses with little Flurry Heart. "There's my family." Shinning Armor said as he rushed over to them. As they hugged, Princess Celestia proceeded to ask. "Where you able to figure out what is causing this phenomenon?"

"We have your highness." Rarity responded and continued. "We believe that Sunburst can fill you in better."

"Well, well I can only surmise." He began a little thrown back at first.

"It's ok. Just tell the, what you told us." Pinkie spoke up.

Taking a deep breath he started over. "It looks like the magic balance has been thrown off. Essentially, magic is leaking out from us and going somewhere else."

"Almost like air escaping from a balloon!" Pinkie jumped in.

"That's not 100% correct. To be more accurate, it is like when ice melts faster and has nowhere to go, so a river overflows. After wards the water is gone because it has escaped from the river and evaporated. Long story short if we do not fix the leak soon, all magic may be lost, and unable to come back."

"Well, thanks to Fluttershy. We believe we know where the leak is." Princess Luna chimed in. "But do you know what may have caused the leak to fix it?"

"Why, yes. Yes I do. I believe that something is working as a magnet drawing the magic elsewhere."

"If that is the case darling. Then I think I may I have an idea on that too." Rarity added to the conversation.

"TWILIGHT!" Pinkie shouted.

With this everyone was in awe for a moment. Well all but Celestia.

"Wow, to think that little Miss Twilight could cause so much chaos. I'm so proud." Discord said with a tear in his eye. Just to get a look from everypony. "Discord, behave yourself." Fluttershy told him. As he looked to the ground as if in shame for his comment.

"But how could Twilight cause something like this?" Fluttershy asked.

"Unfortunately, I feel that her curiosity may have caused a problem that she may not have predicted." Celestia stated to everypony. "I fear we must head to her castle back in Ponyville to fix this."

"But, how will we get their now?" Rarity voicing her concern. "All the trains are no longer running, and with the weather like it is we cannot risk just walking or flying."

"Not only that, magic is too unstable to teleport." Sunburst added.

"I have an idea." Came a small voice from the back.

"We also cannot risk anything happening to the three of you and little Flurry here." Shinning joined in.

"Um, I have an idea." Again the little voice.

"We will be fine." Pinkie all excited. "We have the three princesses and the smartest pony of all times here. We will figure something out."

"I HAVE AN IDEA!" Finally the voice loud enough so everypony can hear. It was Fluttershy. "Oh. Oh I'm sorry."

"It's ok dear." Rarity reassured her. "If you have an idea, please tell us."

"Well ok. If we are trying to get to Ponyville, why not use the train that you two used to get here? Also. I'm sure that Discord could help protect it long enough for us to get home. After all, it's not that far."

Everypony stood there for a moment before Discord chimed in. "Why of course I can. I am the King of Chaos."

"Actually that could work." Sunburst added. "As long as we have the magic dome from him we should be ok."

"Very well then." Celsetia started. "We shall leave shortly. Please make sure we are ready to go."

Everypony preceded to get ready. The family from the Crystal Empire with Sunburst gathered together, and collected their things. Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie, and Discord discussed the rout and how to get to the castle once off the train. Luna and Celestia had a small discussion off to the side.

"Do you really believe that we can solve this before things get much further out of control sister?" Luna inquired.

"Yes." Celestia said looking back at the other two groups. "Because I have seen these ponies succeed at things that others would not have even dared tried. Whenever they work together, I believe there is nothing that they cannot achieve."

This statement filled Luna with hope that things would be ok.

"Alright everypony, let's head out." Celestia stated to gather everypony, and it was time to head back to Ponyville.

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