Chapter one

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I woke up on a cold rainy fall day here in Australia to the yelling of Mrs. Young calling all kids to wake up.

"Get up all you rotten kids, We have people coming today to see who will get adopted!"

Oh yay, More people to come here and not adopt me. Mrs. Young always says nobody will adopt me, I'm just a pest and an annoying little girl, I thought.

"Okay, Line up, They're here. Don't speak unless spoken too, And don't annoy anyone. Got it?"

"Yes Mrs. Young." We all said in unison.

We were all lined up from oldest to youngest. The oldest age group here was fourteen, And the youngest was six, Which that is how old I am. So I'm sadly the youngest one here. Nobody likes me here, And they pick on me all day, Everyday.

"Hello there Mr. Clifford, I'm Mrs. Young. Who would you like to adopt today?" Mrs. Young asked him.

I started to get nervous when he stopped in front of me.

"I think I'll  take this cutie!" This tall man said to Mrs. Young.

"Are you sure? She's very annoying and is all ways in the way. And she screams at night." Mrs. Young told him.

"Why does she scream at night?" Mr. Clifford asked.

"Well, According to her files, she was abused by her real mother. She was taken away from her when a neighbor called the police on her mom."

"Oh, That's a shame. But don't worry, She'll be in good hands with us." Mr. Clifford said.

"All right, Well Molly! Come here please! Mrs. Young yelled "Molly, These people are going to adopt you!"

"They are?" I asked.

"Yes, Now go get your things."

"Okay." I said shyly.

As I was walking to my room, One of the older mean boys here stopped me.

"Hey there loser, Bet those people are going to abuse you, Just like your old family did." He said. He laughed and then walked away.

As I got to my room, I started to get scared and cried a little as I packed. What if they do abuse me? What if they send me back? What if they are just like mommy and hit me? No, They seem really nice and lovely. I'll be fine. I told myself.

I walked back to my now new "Parents" with all my stuff, Which isn't much. Just a few clothes, A teddy bear, and a photo album of me and my real parents.

"Ready to go there cutie?" This tall giggly/ brown haired guy asked.

"Y-Yes." I stuttered.

When we left I heard some kids yelling, "Goodbye loser! Hope they don't kill you!" And a ton of laughing.

When we got to the car, I silently cried until we reached home.

"Is this is a good idea?" I thought to myself as we drove off.

Hey guys! I'm making this new story, Kinda rough when I tried to update it the first time, It wouldn't update it, So this is my second attempt. And this is my first  fan fiction, So hope it goes well! But anyways, Hope you'll enjoy this book. I'll try to update regularly. Anyways hope your all doing well!
xx Gretchen xx

5 SOS adopted me? // M.C fan fic Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt