Chapter seven

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Molly's P.O.V

Today is the day we head off to America for daddy's and my uncle's tour and I started to get excited. But we had to wake up at 2:00 in the morning because our flight was at 4:00.

"Wake up sweetie. We have to get going to the airport. We've got a long plane ride ahead of us. We'll be on the plane for a day. So make sure to get your little back pack with stuff to do."

Daddy told me and walked out to get all our things ready to go. Once I was all set and dressed I went down stairs to be tickled by uncle Cal.

"U-uncle Cal!!!! I-I'm going to pee!!" I screamed.

"Haha awe, I'm sorry sweetie. But I thought I'd get you to wake up some how! Because you still look tired." Cal said.

"Hehe, Well now I've gotta pee!!" I said while running to the potty.

"Okay, Everyone packed? Wait, Where's Molly?" Mikey asked.

"Oh, I started tickling her and she ran to the potty. She should be out soon." Cal said.

"Oh, Okay. Well let's get our stuff in the van then." Mikey said.

Once I was done, I got scared because everyone wasn't in the house.

"D-daddy? Where are you?" I started to yell through the house.

Oh no, They left me! The kids at the orphanage were right, They would just leave me.

I began to cry really hard until I felt someone grab me and put me on their hip.

"Awe, Sweetie! What's wrong?" Uncle Cal asked.

"N-nobody was in the house, And I thought you had left me just like the k-kids said you would!" I said through sobs.

"What kids? Who told you we would do that?" Daddy asked.

"These mean kids at the orphanage. They said you would just leave me and abuse me like my parents did."

"Oh, Molly. We would never do that. I'm so sorry, I should've told you where we were going. I promise it won't happen again, Okay?" Mikey asked.

"Okay. It's okay Daddy." I said while hugging him.

"Okay, Well we better head out now, Okay? We don't wanna miss that flight." Uncle Lukey said.

(At the airport)

"Wow, This place looks so cool! Look uncle Ashy!! There's so many planes outside!" I said while dragging uncle Ashy to the window to look outside.

"There sure are a lot of them outside there, Little miss. You'll like being in the plane once we get on it!" Uncle Ashy said.

"Is it scary, Ashy?" I asked him.

"Just the take off part can get a little overwhelming, But after that, It's very relaxing." He told me.

"Oh, Okay! I can't wait!" I said.

"Attention all passengers attending the flight to North America, The flight will be leaving in five minutes. Please be at gate B when called." The announcer said.

"All right munchkin, We're going to be getting on the plane now. You ready?" Daddy asked.

"Yes, I'm ready." I told him.

"Okay, Let's go!"

(On the plane)
Mikey's P.O.V

Once we got seated on the plane, Molly started to get excited.

"Daddy! This is so fun! And look we're moving!" She said.

"That we are, sweetie!" I told her.

The plane started to lift off the ground and Molly squeezed my hand really hard and buried her head in my shoulder. I could tell she was scared.

"Daddy, I don't like this part." She said.

"I know sweetie, But it'll be over soon. Just focus on me, I'm right here." I gave her a kiss on the head and she relaxed once the plane was in the air.

"Wow! We're flying!! Everything looks so small from up here!" She said.

"That's my favorite thing about flying, Being able to look at all the cities from high in the air." I told her.

We were now about two hours into the flight and me and Molly were watching a movie on my laptop for a while until I saw her starting to fall sleep.

"It's okay honey, You can sleep. We'll be on here for a while." I told her.

"Okay." She said, And fell asleep.

"Hey mike, You're doing a great job with her. I'm happy she's happy with us." Ash told me.

"Thanks Ash. I'm just happy to have her in our lives now. And I'm glad to get her away from that horrid lady at the orphanage. I'm glad she likes us." I told Ash.

"Me too mate, And I think it's so cute she calls you "daddy" I mean that's gotta feel nice."

"It does. I became more confident in how to take care of her after she called me that. I know she loves me, And now I can't imagine what it'd be like with out her in our lives."

"She's going to be a great kid, I know she'll do great from here on out. And I know you'll all ways know what to do for her when she needs help."

"Thanks Ash, And thanks for helping me too. That means a lot."

"No problem mate, You know we'd do anything for you."

After Ash and I stopped talking, he and I started to fall asleep. And I'm glad we did because jet lag sucks. So I popped in my ear buds and drifted off to sleep for the rest of the flight.


Hey guys!! So, They're on their way to America now. And Molly is experiencing her first flight! How exciting! But how did you guys like Ash and Mikey's little heart to heart? Very nice, Right? Molly has a great dad.
Next chapter will be about when they land in America and stuff like that, So yeah. Hope you guys enjoy this so far, And I hope to update soon, But I'm gonna be busy so, Maybe there won't be another one today. But tomorrow for sure!
Anyway's thanks for reading and voting! I truly appreciate it!

xx Gretchen xx

5 SOS adopted me? // M.C fan fic Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt