Chapter five

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Michaels P.O.V

When we got to iHop Molly's reaction was the cutest thing ever.

"Okay Molly, What would you like to get?" I asked her.

"Um, Could I get chocolate chip pancakes, Please?"

"Of course, Sweetie!" I told her.

Once we decided what we all wanted, The waiter came and ordered our food.

"Good morning everyone, I'll be your waiter this morning. What can I get for everyone?"

"Could we get chocolate chip pancakes for this little one here?" I asked the waiter.

"Awe, She's so cute! I'll get those for her soon! How about for the rest of you?"

Ash and I ordered pancakes and bacon. While Luke and Cal got omelets and toast. This place is very good.

While we were waiting for our food a few girls wearing 5 seconds of summer shirts walked in.

"Psst, Hey guys! Look over there." Ash motioned us to look behind us.

"They're fans. What should we do? They could spot us."

"Try to hide, We don't want to scare Molly." Luke said.

Just as he had said that, The two girls saw us and rushed over to us.

"Oh my gosh! You're 5 Seconds of summer! Could we please get a picture?"

"Um, Sure. But just a quick one, please." I told them.

"Thanks you guys! Oh and who is this cutie?" The one girl asked.

"Oh, This is Molly. My daughter! I adopted her a week ago." I told them while hugging Molly.

"Awe, Well she's very cute. Congrats, Mikey!" The girls said.

"Thank you!" I told them.

They walked away shortly after and just in time because our food got here. Molly looked at her plate and her eyes went wide open.

"Wow, These are so good! I could live off of these!" She said while eating.

We all giggled at her reaction to them, And we continued to eat.

Once we all finished eating, We all paid and left for the park to let Molly play for a while. But on the way there she asked us why those girls were excited to see us.

"Mikey, Why did those girls scream when they saw you?" She asked.

"Well you see, We're sort of um, Famous. We're all in a band together. It's getting very popular now." I told her.

"So, You guys like make music? That's so cool!! My daddy's a rock star!"

"Haha yes sweetie, And so are your uncles." I told her.

"We have some things we'd like to talk to you about. But that can wait until we get home, Because we're now at the park!" Ash told her.

We all got out of the car and Molly dashed for the park. Her excitement was adorable. I don't think she's ever been to a park before. But I'm going to make sure she has a lot of fun.

"Mikey, Can you push me on the swing, Please?" Molly asked me.

"Sure thing, Sweetie!" I told her.

As I was pushing her on the swing, She started laughing very loud and hard. I wasn't sure what she was laughing at until I looked over at the guys and saw that Ash got stuck on one of the playground slides.

"I don't think this playground is meant for 6 ft. Tall men. My butts too big for this slide." Ash said while laughing.

"Yeah, This isn't something for us. It's not punk rock." Luke said.

"Mikey, Ashy is stuck! We should help him." Molly said while laughing at him.

We finally after three attempts to get Ash out, We finally got him out.

Once he was free we decided to head home because Molly looked tired. But it was all worth it, Because we got her to laugh and have fun like a real little kid should. And we intend to make sure she has the best time with us, For as long as we can.

Okay, So while I was writing this chapter, I started to get really excited and happy how this story is going. So I hope you guys like it!
But anyways, Aren't they a good family for Molly? They are so sweet to her.

Anyways, I'll update again soon. Hope you're all doing well!
xx Gretchen xx

5 SOS adopted me? // M.C fan fic Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt