Chapter eighteen

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               (6 months later)
               Michaels P.O.V

"You ready mate?" Luke asked me.

"I'm so nervous, Luke. What if I mess up. What if I forget my vows?" I said.

"Mike, You'll do great. Once you see her walking up that isle, You'll remember everything you need to say. Because you love her." Luke told me.

"Thanks Luke. For everything." I said.

"No problem. Now it's time. Go merry your women." Luke said.

I made my way up the isle and found my spot at the alter. I patiently waited for my beloved fiancé to come walking down the isle so I can happily make her my wife.

I stared in amusement once I heard the music playing and her walking down the isle, With Molly, And her mom walking slowly behind her. And her dad by her side. Then I knew I made the right choice in wanting to merry her. She looks so beautiful.

"You may be seated." The pastor said. "We are gathered here today to celebrate the marriage of Mr. Clifford, And his soon to be wife, Ms.Rachel Thompson. Let us begin with the vows. Please begin Mr.Clifford."

"Rachel, We've known each other for a year and a half now, And once I knew you would be able to put up with me and my crazy family, I knew you were the one. And it also took the very special friendship of our kids to get me to the realization that I need you in my life. You make me happy everyday, And even when we fight, Or when I get sad. You all ways find a way to help me feel better, and forgive me. Rachel Thompson, I love you, And I will forever, Till death do us part."

I saw Rachel start to tear up as she listened to my speech. Then it was her turn to do her part.

"Michael Clifford, You really turned my life around a year and a half ago. And there isn't a day that goes by that I even think twice about being with you. You provide all the love and caring I need for me and my son. And I'm so very happy we got the chance to get to know you. And now, We have our whole lives to be together. You are the love of my life, My rock on which I stand. You make the best out of everything, And you make sure everyone else is put first before yourself. And that, Is one of the many reasons why I love you, Michael. You mean the world to me. I love you, And I all ways will. Till death do us part."

I felt the tears swelling up in my eyes as she concluded her speech and I couldn't stop myself from staring into her beautiful blue eyes.

"Do you, Michael Gordon Clifford, Take Rachel Ali Thompson to be your beloved wedded wife? Till death do you part?"

"I do!"

"And do you, Rachel Ali Thompson, Take Michael Gordon Clifford to be your beloved wedded husband? Till death do you part?"

"I do!"

"Then I now pronounce you, Husband and wife. Michael, You may kiss the bride."

I didn't have to think twice before pulling her face into mine and sealing our marriage for good. And when we kissed I felt little fireworks exploding into my chest. I couldn't wait to see how our lives will look like in the future.

I heard the crowd clap and some even whistled, Which I assumed was my groomsmen, Luke, Ash, And Cal, And so many shouts of awe's around us.
When we pulled away we both walked down the isle with our flower girl, Molly, And our ring bearer, Nathan walking right behind us. 

"Congratulations Rachel and Michael! We are so happy for you guys. Michael, You've made the right choice marrying her, We all love her dearly. And we love you too, Michael." My mother said.

"Thank you mom!" I said while hugging her.

We all gathered around outside to where we would be having the little celebration party after the wedding ceremony and all my family and Rachel's family all sat and walked around talking and sharing laughs. This is the best day of my life. I love Rachel and Nathan so much. I'm glad they are now apart of mine and Molly's life. And of course the guys's lives too.

"So Ash? Are you next?" I asked/ teased him when we were sitting chatting at the table.

"Well, See for your self!" He said while holding out his girlfriend Sara's hand.

"No way! Congrats Ash!" Me and the guys cheered.

"Thanks guys!" Ash said.

After finding out the exciting news about Ash, I went to go find Rachel to tell her the news so she can congratulate them too.

"Hey Rachel, I have some news, Well Ash has some news for you!" I told her.

"Rachel, Me and Sara are getting married!" Ash said.

"Oh, That's amazing! Congrats you guys!" She said while hugging them.

"Thank you!" They said.

"Honey, Would you like to dance with me?" I asked Rachel.

"Of course!" She said.

I grabbed her hand and we swayed smoothly to the soft music being played on the dance floor. But that suddenly changed when Calum stopped the music and announced something.

"Can I get everyone's attention for a second." Cal announced.

"Mike, I've known you for the majority of my life, And I can't believe you got married before any of us did. But I'm glad you did, Because Rachel is something special. Especially since she can put up with you, And our crazy family. But what I'm trying to say is congrats man, I love you and I hope you guys have an amazing life together. To the bride and groom!" Cal yelled while holding up his glass.

"To the bride and groom!" Everyone yelled and help up their glasses and took a sip.

"Thank you Cal. I love you too, Man." I said.

This has to be the best day of my life. I couldn't have asked for a better person to spend the rest of my life with, And for a better family then the one I have now. I know Molly will love having Rachel and Nathan with us now. And I know she will be happy. And I will be too.



Awe, This chapter was I think adorable. Mikey got married! And they are now a happy family! And now Molly has a brother to help her out and be there for her. And hey, Ash is getting married soon too! That I can't wait for. I'm thinking I'm going to make one more chapter or so, And then the Epilogue. Because I kinda want to get started on book two! So, I hope you guys enjoyed this book. And I can't wait to start making the second one.
Thanks for reading!

xx Gretchen xx

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