Chapter ninteen

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It's been two months since the wedding and daddy and Rachel told us they have some exciting news for us.

"Can I have everyone come in the living room, Please?" Daddy asked.

I was the first one in the room, Then everyone else piled in.

"What's up Mike?" Uncle Cal asked.

"Well, Um we have some exciting news to tell you guys." Rachel said.

"We're pregnant!" Daddy yelled.

"You are? Wow! Congrats Mikey and Rachel!" Ashy said.

"Wait, Mommy? You're having a baby?" Nathan asked.

"Yes, You're going to be a big brother. And Molly is going to be a big sister to the new baby." Rachel said.

"Daddy!! I can't wait for the baby to come all ready. This is amazing!" I yelled.

"Hm, I don't like that mommy is having a baby. What if it doesn't like me?" Nathan asked.

"Oh honey, I'm sure this new baby will love you!" Rachel said.

"Are you sure?" Nathan asked.

"C'mon Nathan, We'll have a new sibling to play with! Then we can have more adventures when it's the three of us!" I said.

"True, Okay. This might be fun!" Nathan said.

"Good! Glad we all are happy now about me having a baby." Rachel said.

"When are you due?" Uncle Lukey asked.

"Sometime this summer. I think in August or around there. I have an ultra sound next week to see how the baby's doing so far. And possibly the gender. I've kept being pregnant from everyone for a month or so." Rachel said.

"Oh, Mikey did you know she was pregnant this whole time?" Ash asked.

"Yeah, I did. But we didn't want to tell you guys right away. But now we know for sure that she is having a baby. We thought telling you now would be good." Daddy said.

"Well this is a nice surprise. Congrats guys!" Cal said.

"Thank you!" They said.

"So, Should we go celebrate? Or just hang out at home?" Lukey asked.

"Can we get pizza?" I asked.

They all looked at each other and then agreed that pizza sounded good. We then headed off for pizza and daddy even said we could go get ice cream after words.

"We should tell our parents we're having a baby." Rachel said.

"Yeah, We can call them tonight when we get back. If you want too!" Mikey said.

"Yes, I'd love that." Rachel said.

After we all got food and ice cream daddy called grandma and grandpa to tell them the news.

"Hey mom, Dad. We have something we'd like to tell you." Daddy said through the phone.

"Oh, And what's that, Honey?" Grandma said.

"We're pregnant!" Daddy said.

"What? You are? Michael, That's great! Congrats honey!" Grandma said.

5 SOS adopted me? // M.C fan fic Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt