Chapter 3

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" excuse me sir could you tell me the date ? " I asked the elderly man walking past me with his dog . " oh umm its the 16th of November my dear are u not cold in that dress ? "  he asked sounding slightly worried. Great he probably thinks I'm crazy  walking around New York at this time of the year. " oh um no not really aha thank you " I smiled at the man and then carried on down Dixon avenue towards my house. Oh how I wanted to run to the door and bang as loud as I could until my mum answered , I would throw myself into her arms and cry but I knew I couldn't I had find out want happened to me first but a peek through the window couldn't hurt. I finally reached my house and walked up the steps to the porch where i slowly looked through the window into the lounge and saw my mom ,Howard and Phillip watching tv I guess Simon was in bed it was pretty late. I just stood there watching them did they miss me ? Think about me ? Oh how I wish I could be cuddling up on the Couch warm and surrounded by the people I love. After standing there for more than 20 minutes tears running down my eyes I began to feel the coldness of the late November night and decided to leave after giving my family one last glance. Where should I go ? who can help me ? I can't go to the police what would I say ? " oh hi I just woke up in my grave and then transported out of it can you help me ? " yeah right they would probably laugh at me and then send me to a mental institution. Wait I know! I mean he probably can't do anything but he'd have better ideas than me and I'd finally get to throw myself at someone and realise all the emotions going through me. shaking like a leaf from the cold I kept walked though the darkness towards Peter parkers house.

( hi guys sorry it's been a while this isn't really something I massively enjoy doing anymore but I do have my moments. Please comment if you want me to continue but this story is up for adoption so if anyone would like to take it off my hands so they can make this story go further please do contact me 😀 )

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