Rough day, tough day, great day!

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Of course I didn't ask if he wanted a to go cup, I mean was I supposed to? How hard is it to just tell me he wants to stay in.

"Hmm, that's weird, normally he takes it to go." Amanda tells me cutting me off from my imagination.

"Yea, weird." I say not really paying attention.

"Maybe he likes you!" Amanda says elbowing me

That made me pay attention, I mean she's crazy! He just met me I highly doubt he likes me. A few more customers come in, and Order. Luckily it's not to hard to make them there cups of coffee. But, every once in a while I'll drop a stack of cups or overfill something, and of course Amanda and the guy sitting at the table always laugh and giggle. But, I guess I can't blame them I'd be laughing to if it wasn't me messing everything up.

"Don't you worry newbie, you'll get the hang of it in no time!" Amanda reassures me.

I smile at her in a way that's thanks her for the confidence.

The tall man comes up to counter and waits for me to come over.

"Want another refill?" I ask

"Nah, nah I'm good. I actually came to pay." The man says

"Oh, alright. Your total is $8.00" I tell him.

8 bucks is pretty cheap considering he did get 4 refills.

He hands me the money, and smiles. I smile back. I mean I can't just not smile, that would just be plain rude!

"Thanks, Megan." He says

"Your welcome, uhh, d-dav-der-I, uhh." I laugh awkwardly trying to remember his name.

"Daithi." He says with a smile

"Daithi!" I say "that's right."

"See ye tomorrow!" Daithi says while walking out and waving.

I smiled and waved. You know this job isn't that hard. I mean it's harder then I thought, but still, that's not the point.

"You did pretty good!" Amanda tells me.

"Thanks." I say "but, you helped me a lot!"

"Well, that's to be expected. It was your first day."

I look at the clock to see its already 8:00. I guess time flies by quick when you screw a lot of things up. There's only one other person in the store, and it's a lady drinking a coffee.

I went to refill the napkins and I hear the door open once more. 'Great another person I have to serve.' I think to myself.

"Hey! Leslie!"Amanda yells

Leslie that names sound very familiar.

"Hi, Amanda. How is everything going?" She asks

"Great, Megan's doing quite good!" Amanda answers.

I turn around to see my boss. Right! Leslie is her name! How could I have  forgotten that?

"Megan! How are you enjoying your new job?" My boss asks me

"Pretty good!" I say awkwardly

I mean should I tell her I've screwed up multiple times or lie and say I'm doing great? I don't want her to think I'm the best coffee server in the world! Who am I kidding why would she even think that?

"I'm glad to hear it." She says with a comforting smile.

Leslie takes off her jacket and help refilling things and cleaning tables.

Coffee shop love ( Daithi de Nola x reader) Where stories live. Discover now