Getting ready

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"Alright, well welcome to our little apartment!"I told Amanda.

She walked into our apartment looking around. "Wow, this is a nice little place!"

"Sarcasm?" Lizzie asked.

"Honestly no! This place, is way cuter and nicer then mine."

"Follow me." I told Amanda. I walked to my room and opened up my closet.

"There's is literally nothing pink in here." Amanda said, sounding shocked.

"Well, pink just isn't my color."

"Your closet is so plain! No colors!" Lizzie said

"Like I said pink just isn't my color."

"But, you have no colors in here at all! There all so dull and plain." Lizzie replied.

"And that's a bad thing?" I asked.

"You want to impress Daithi don't you?" Amanda chimed in.

"No!" I said, getting defensive.

"Oh come on! Seriously?" Lizzie said.

"He's just a friend, I don't want to try and impress him, and I sure as hell don't want to be wearing anything bright and revealing."

"Alright fine." Lizzie said, raising her two hands up like she was surrendering.

I looked through all my clothes and tried to find the right outfit to wear. Finally after looking through so many i grabbed a black shirt and some torn black jeans. I laid them on the bed for Amanda and Lizzie to see.

"I think this will look just fine." You told them.

"That?" Lizzie asked

"What's wrong with it?" I asked.

"It's just- well, so dark and dull." Lizzie said.

"That's how I like it."

"Don't you want to try on some color?" Amanda asked.

"Not really."

"Why don't you borrow something from my closet? I don't mind." Lizzie told me.

"No, I like this outfit." I told her.

"Are you sure?" Lizzie said.

"I'm positive."

"Well, now that you got your outfit picked out, you should do your hair and makeup." Amanda said.

"For one, I don't wear makeup, for two, I think a simple pony tail should do." I told them

"Fine, no makeup, but please let us at least do your hair!" Amanda begged.

"I don't know..." I trailed off.

"Please!!" Lizzie started to beg as well.

"Fine." I gave in.

They both cheered and went into my bathroom to look for stuff to use. "Just sit on the bed and wait for us to come and do your hair!" Lizzie yelled back to me.

I sat on the bed and waited patiently. What style were they going to do? It's kinda worries me I'm leaving my hair in there hands. I just hope they won't make a mess of my hair and tangle it.

"Where's your clips?" Lizzie yelled over to me.

"In the drawer to the right." I yelled to them.

"Found them!" Amanda said.

They both came walking out, both of there hands were full of different stuff. I saw hair spray, clips, hair bands, brushes, and multiple other things. "That's a lot of stuff for a simple hair style." I told them.

"Who said it was going to me a simple hair style?" Lizzie said, raising a brow and smirking a little.

"Oh god." I murmured to myself.

"Don't worry it'll be fine!" Amanda reassured me.

They got behind me and started to mess with my hair.


"I'm actually surprised we pulled it off!" Amanda said in excitement.

"Honestly me too!" Lizzie said.

I got up and went over a mirror and looked at my hair. And to my surprise it actually didn't look bad, I actually kinda liked it.

The picture below is what the hair looks like

The picture below is what the hair looks like

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"You guys actually did a pretty good job." I told them.

"See, we are masters at beauty!" Lizzie said

"Yeah, sure. Whatever you say." I said giggling.

"I guess you should start driving over to the pizza place." Lizzie told me.

I sat on the bed next to Amanda and Lizzie and sat there for a moment. "I'm scared." I told them.

"Of what?" Lizzie asked.

"What if it goes bad? What if I embarrass my self? Or we get in a fight?"

"Woah, calm down, I highly doubt any of that will happen." Lizzie told me.

"Lizzie's right, your just over thinking it. Don't freak out about it so much, it'll probably go really well." Amanda told me.

"I guess you guys are right." I moaned out.

"Don't worry so much about it." Lizzie said to me.

"Yeah, ok."

(Time skip cause I'm super lazy :) )

I pulled up to the pizza place and parked. I waiting before I got out and took a deep breathe in and out.

"You're okay Meg, just chill out." I tried giving myself a small pep talk. Trying to make me less nervous. Well it didn't Help at all.

I looked up at the mirror in my car and stared at myself for a few minutes.

"You got this Meg! If he didn't like you he wouldn't have asked you out."

I pushed back a small strand of hair that was laying on my face. "Plus it's not even a date." I whispered to myself before I got out of the car.

I closed the car door and made my way up to the pizza place, taking a deep breathe in and opening the door to enter.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2016 ⏰

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