Part 8: First Day Of School

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Admin's words: Before writing this part, I would like to say thank you very very much to my love aka bestie Kayla (Miuna_Hyakuya). Without your help, I would not be able to complete this part so quickly! Again, thank you so much lovely Kaykay 💛.


- Wakie wakie! It is time for school!

I heard that cute whispering voice and felt the warm shaking hands on me.

I rubbed my eyes, scretched and yawned. However, it was still dark outside, I had not got used to wake up that early. I hid in my blanket, mumbled:

- No... I am still sleeping... It is so early... Just a few more minutes...

- You are so much like a little kid! Come on and get ready now my big pig! It is 4 o'clock already!


What happened to my alarm clock?

Although I knew it was the time, I still moaned for a while.

I opened my eyes. Suddenly, Touri put her arms around my neck and kissed me on my cheeks.

I was pumped up, hugged her and jumped off my bed.

Edgar greeted us. He seemed happy and energetic.

Grandma woke up early, too. She told me:

- You are going to meet new but usual people today. They will be the ones to take you and Edgar to school. May I present you, Derek Valtinas and June Hamada Valtinas!

I could not believe that I finally had met my aunt and her whole family.

- Oh hello kids!

As they made their debut, I felt they were the stars and we were the audience. I was delighted meeting them.

Aunt June got to me, she pulled my cheeks and squeezed me.

- My little nephew! I finally am seeing you here! You are even cuter than I expected! What a beautiful resemblence of your father!

- He...llo... aunt... June!

I could not breath and speak normally since she squeezed me quite tightly.

Touri laughed, meanwhile, Edgar blushed and went to his mother:

- Mom! Do not overact. This is your first met with your nephew!

- Oh... oh... Yeah! Ehem... As you have known, I am your aunt, June. I will be the one, along with my husband, to take you to school today. Before getting on the car, please put these on. They are your uniforms.

She showed them. I had more than two options of choosing what to wear as my uniform. Black suit or white suit, bow or tie, loose or tight.

It was obvious that I chose the same suit as the one I worn at the Knights Of Queen's party. It was the best among all of them.

I walked out of the changing room. Touri got dressed either. She ran to me and took off her bracelet.

- I want you to wear this, nii-chan.

It was a golden one with many cute, little decorating icons on. Although it was thin and small, it still fitted my wrist.

I put it on. Just like what my parents did fifteen years ago. Immediately, lots of memories lit up on my mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2016 ⏰

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