she dead

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baby girls r tryna run their sticky honey fingers all over his pretty body, but he pushes away. he ain't got time for meaningless flings n girls that luv boys w pale hearts that light blunts n pop xanax when they feelin like they r a bit dizzy n a bit claustrophobic.

he only got time to glue back together his crumpled paper heart & push all the tears he threw up back into their ducts. his mouth needs to stop slanting downwards, stop frownin bro go get some gud pussy to cheer ya up!

oh he only got eyes for one pussy but she 6ft underground w/ hands glued to her dried breasts (the glue that would fix his paper heart). & her eyes closed n her mouth cold, her eyes ain't shining n shimmerin like pretty diamonds fitting for such a pretty girl anymore. her lips don't say his name anymore & her tongue don't lick his lips soft like they used to anymore.

he can't fuck anyone w/out her here, he can't look anyone in the eyes because they ain't pretty like hers. he can't look at himself because he's such a failure. he fuckin hates himself & he wishes he was dead n cold and dried like a ugly prune. she was too beautiful n ugly n pretty n passionate 2 die. 

why'd she die? why'd the knife decide to prick and gleam against her glowin red wrist? why'd the pills decide to be shoved n swallowed down her throat? why'd she have to leave him? why'd she have to b his baby girl???


this so shit hahhahahaha sorry but enjoy this pic of young thug lmao

he smirks as he tips guns to bruised templesWhere stories live. Discover now