he's better that she's gone now

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she was beautiful. compelling. one of a kind and a force to be reckoned with. no-one could get thumbs over her, only ever underneath. she wanted to tame him but he didn't know that tame meant destruction and destruction meant he wasn't getting out of this unscathed.

she was a secret bitch, the kind of person whose words were always laced with a second motive and the purr of her tongue sprouted claws within her that were only ever to cause an uphold of ruckus and impending damage. he was so blind, he was so in love and in first love is where his heart had never recovered. he can still – to this day – see her in everything, blinking behind his eyelids in dreams, the curve of her cheek gently in his hands, lips tipped upwards, hipbones grinding into one. oh she made sure he'll never forget her.

heartbreak came in the form of an open mouthed kiss shared with another man's anatomy, the edges of his vision blurred, in haze, in tears? he'll never admit it, he just knows that sight of her head lent back and lips pursed in ecstasy was enough to shatter every inch of his existence.

the days after were chaos, every inch of land between them was unstable, there was a storm uprising within him but she sat steady, eyes twinkling in a higher knowledge and calm spell of no remorse.

she laughed, sweet and delicate but he could feel the bitterness seeping through between the lines. "did you really think I loved you? you're so blind I'm actually close to feeling sorry for you." her lilt of tongue ignited so much rage within him fire spread through every touch he offered, her hand was mocking, cold against his heated cheek. he grabbed her throat, her eyes shinned in surprise and he smiled, so scary, teeth gleaming, he loved that look on her face, he loved the power thrumming through his veins.

she was against the wall, he kissed her roughly on the mouth, like the way she kissed others, the way she seemed to love it. he laughed, "you fucking sly bitch, I knew you would destroy me one day." she did, she destroyed him, his love and herself.

she licked her lips in a cruel, daring sort of way, running her tongue across his lips, down his throat, "I'm so fucking glad I did, you asshole." his grip tightened and he forced his way between her legs, she laughed, the sound curling out her throat in a self-deprecating kind of way.

he left her that night, a mess on the floor and a bitter smile placed delicately on her lips. he left her and never turned back to watch her destroy herself in the wake of him, and it felt so good.


kinda forgot about this so I thought I'd just finish it up lmao

he smirks as he tips guns to bruised templesWhere stories live. Discover now